Transmog Is Too Expensive

As someone who lives and dies (literally) by the mantra “Look good , feel good, play good”, Transmog costs are too dang high!

I spend thousands of gold daily just changing my Mog around to look so fresh so clean. Between having 27 level 70s who all need to look their best, I’m having to buy a WoW token every couple of days just to keep up with my Social Stigma of being the hottest :hot_face: gnome on the block.




That sound smore like a you issue.


Roll velf and then you’ll only need to buy half as many tokens!

I wish it was cheaper too, but yeah I’m not insane enough apparently that I have to spend 300k gold on mogging every couple of days. :crazy_face:

They really aren’t. It’s a small gold sink. Those are important to the economy.

Large gold sinks aren’t used by the masses. Like T3, Bruto, etc. But all of the small ones are important to have thst everyone uses every day. Repairs, flightpaths, transmog, etc.

Sounds like a you problem. Go do the dragon races.

transmog should not be a gold sink, it doesn’t matter what anyone says.


its a small one like 1-3k gold or free on the trial of style day
if you having to mog change everyday then that’s a you problem

Sounds like if we disabled the AH and allowed everyone to do all the professions and grinding themselves instead of using gold to create shortcuts (the AH) then the need for a gold sink in the game disappears and by doing this the game becomes a 1000x better for your average casual.

Edit: Yes this includes disabling wow token purchases. Which will never happen, but these changes would be nice.

Why should I be gatekept from doing my favorite content (mogging) by insanely high gold costs?

It just cost me nearly 1000 gold to change my Mog again!! :rage:

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Ask yourself “why” more. This is the answer.

Because I enjoy Transmog?? Why is that so hard to understand.

Try asking yourself “why not”


keep buying my tokens

No mog will make a gnome “look good” so save your gold!

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why are these neckbeards attacking this guy , transmogs are fun one of the few reasons i still like this game.

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If you’ve done the Ember Court with the Venthyr, you can gain access to a Wardrobe that lets you do unlimited transmogs for free during the weekly Ember Court event. Might be worth it for you.

It really should have been set up that a saved outfit appearance costs a sum of gold to create, but once you have it, you have it and can equip the “look” from your lookbook or wardrobe or what have you anytime.

Or in the very least you could pay money to activate a mog item for each slot, but not the mog the gear piece itself. Every new piece of gear should not need to be mogged anew. That’s very tedious.


You went with the first thing you thought? Ask yourself more you misunderstand the saying

I agree, transmog shouldnt cost a damn thing.


I know this was supposed to be funny but…