Transmog help!

Can someone help me out with understanding how transmog actually works - I’ve read up online but not getting anywhere nearer to an answer…

Recently got [Grave Dreged-Pauldrons] on my rogue and along with it I also got [Gravewarden Visage] & [Gravewarden Legplates]. The Pauldrons are transmogable on my DK but I can’t seem to transmog the helmet or legs. I know that the helmet and legs say ‘Classes: Death Knight’ and the shouders don’t, but they’re also all plate - so I’m just super confused why one is transmogable on my DK but the others aint.

Help :smiling_face_with_tear:

If an item says that it’s specific to a class (like the two pieces you mention specifically call out Death Knight), only a character of that class can unlock the appearance. So looting them on a Rogue wouldn’t make it available on your account.

This contrasts with the recent change that removed the armor type restriction to unlocking appearances (which is why your Rogue could unlock a piece of plate armor), but the class-specific restriction is a separate issue the developers haven’t changed yet.

They’re planning to sometime in the TWW timeframe, but they haven’t done it yet.


Cheers thank ya!

Figured it was something like that and not a bug.