Transmog for Demon hunters

what are the best places to go farm for good xmog stuff? I want some more options for my dh, soloable content only please

I like some of the Legion transmogs - My transmog set is mostly mythic Nighthold.

Mythic Hellfire has a cool leather set based off the rogue set, but the glove is excluded and there’s not a glove in the game that goes very well with the set.

You can also get most of the rogue set from Black Temple and Mt Hyjal. That one is kinda cool.

Mythic legion sets are my favorite for the most part. There are almost always groups running for the first few days after reset every week. Just play on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening, or even Saturdays have groups running. Do all the mythic raids from legion, and you’ll have some amazing transmog sets in a couple weeks.

Besides that, you can farm old content for rogue, druid, or monk (from pandaria on) sets.

is mythic legion content not soloable? I guess prolly not yet since its only 10 levels

Yea all the Legion Mythic sets and Elite PvP sets are nice, otherwise my old favorite was the blood fang recolor from BC karazhan, gruul’s lair and mag’s lair. The Hellfire Citadel rogue set as mentioned before is really nice too, and if your a high roller you can buy the rogue T3 from BMAH and mog that.

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Some of it is. Mythic EN is doable, but Nythendra you need to be Vengeance or you get Mind Controlled, and Ursoc is a huge DPS check, so you may need potions, drums etc. I’ve also done up to Mythic Botanist in Nighthold, and all of Mythic ToV. Haven’t tried ToS or Antorus yet.

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was the blood fang recolor blue? or am I thinking of something else

there is the blue recolor from BC heroic dungeons and the black/crimson red-brown from the raids

Some is, some isn’t. The problem is, the legacy buff doesn’t kick in until you’re 11+ levels above the content, and without the legacy buff, you get loot as if you’re just you (I don’t remember whether that means it’s only 2 items, ie what it is for 10m, or if that means you only get a 20% chance of a single item, I’d have to test it). With the legacy buff, you get substantially more loot despite there only being 1 person in the raid.

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This. Find some leather friends and share loot. Doing it solo not only takes too long, but you get so much less loot it’s ridiculous.

Think it’s 20%

It’d be really easy to test, go kill the first boss on any difficulty in any raid. If you get 2 items, it’s equivalent to 10m. If you get 1 or 0, it’s 20%.

In fact, I’mma go do that real quick.


You’re right, killed the first two bosses and got nothing.


Saved me the effort (as I’m hovering outside EN). Good thing, too, tomorrow is an unusually early morning for me, time to go sleep instead of testing things.