Transmog everything yay or nay?

Why not just remove restrictions entirely then. Doesn’t seem fair that 3 classes get to wear all the transmogs and have 3 that get just one and etc.


I think downgrading feels like the reasonable thing to do given well who can wear what, but I agree it’s not only not fair but it’s actually quite RP friendly, pretty much any fantasy lore universe has it, cloths with plate armor are quite commons, i.e. battle mages, clerics, in DnD if you want to roll it you need to take the feats but you can wear and cast in armor if you want, eldritch knights builds, and those well are the ones I can think off right now.

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there isnt an argument any more with the addition of heritage armor. any argument against what you’re suggesting is completely irrelevant.

its just people wanting to combat literally everything always.

light forge and dark iron for example allows you to put a plate set on clothies.

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dark iron dwarves can be warlocks and get plate heritage armor.


No. I’m not arguing with your other 2 reasons but this one is just silly.

I’d say tier sets and heritage sets should be exclusive to their respective classes/races, but they should permit grey/white gear for transmog and make cloth/leather and mail/plate interchangeable.

Loosening up weapon restrictions might be nice too, like putting other 2H weapons (e.g. swords, maces) over staves and polearms or just having the aesthetic option for MH and OH over 2H for casters.

I’m ok having classes still restricted to their armor types. I think pants should be hidden since some slit dresses don’t look right with pants underneath. Maybe disable pants when these dresses are mogged. I also think that leather, and especially mail mogs need much more love from the artists. Yes, and mogging gray items would be fine with me. And year round mogging of holiday items.

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Ion has stated the reason is because it can be confusing to the enemy in PVP what class/spec they are. For example if a rogue is transmogging daggers, but is actually outlaw or vise versa and is using swords but is assassination. Same goes for armor types.

I’d say Yay. I like customisation.


Yeah but there are already dagger models that use a sword model and vice versa

On that note I think daggers should just be added to the list of 1h transmog

Imo everything but class sets should be transmogable


I think that transmogging everything would hurt class identity. A rogue appearing to wear a plate set would look silly.

White and gray items should be moggable though. We should have more basic looking xmog that look like those old basic pieces and TBH I’m not a big fan of some of the cartoonish looking Exile’s Reach basic appearances that are coming out.

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Yes, we should be able to mog all armor types.
ESO did this and it’s one of the best features of the game, folks in eso come up with some cool and unqiue mogs because of it.


Yes, because more choices are always better.

The “I want to be able to identify what I’m fighting in PvP” argument is weak because there are already cosmetic sets and heritage sets in game that can muddle that perception, plus people can just hide everything but pants and good luck telling what pants they have on from a distance unless they’re something wildly distinctive.

The “mages don’t wear plate” argument is weak because this is a fantasy game and doesn’t have to conform to any other reality. Plus also some of the heritage sets look like plate but aren’t restricted to class.

To reiterate: More choice is good. Remove the restrictions.

And, let us hide the pants also if we want to. :grin:


Definitely more in weapons. Some of the limitations feel absolutely arbitrary at this point.

Who cares if it would look silly?


It shouldn’t matter. Nearly all modern games let you transmog any armor type. There are plenty of outliers that already let any armor type look “out of place” or “silly”. The restrictions being kept on is just Blizzard being behind the times as per usual.

People were afraid everyone would run around with stupid looking armor when transmog came out…did that happen? Not really

People were afraid that everyone would run around naked when all the slots (except pants) could be hidden but did it happen? Not really.

You do you and stop worrying about what other players might decide to mog.


I think all mog should be available. At this point why does it matter? Also allow me to collect everything on any character please.

Edit: I mean there are cloth pieces that look like it should be categorized as plate anyway.

Edit Edit: I think weapon mog should still be restricted since a DK using a crossbow albeit cool would not work at all. But still allow me to collect it for other toons.


Transmog only bracers!!!

YES!! You know you want that

Another question. if the restriction was lifted. How does mog farming go? Meaning does the armor class restriction still apply when looting?

Just make it to where all classes can collect anything. No more class/armor/weapon restrictions when looting.