Transmog bug

So before patch and then manually for gold again after patch, my druid has claws of ursoc transmog’d for the mage tower bear form, and yet it keeps displaying me in my generic bear form…


Dynamic Xmog in general appears to be broken. The Mog that was last saved is active regardless of spec changing. Which also means the weapon itself stays mogged to claws even in cat or restro but no druid forms.

The Mage tower Druid forms dont work unless you RE pay gold to change the mog.

plz fix.

I repaid and it didn’t fix it is my point as well.

Shoot. it breaks on log out. having to re mog on every log in is not going to work.

Yeah it keeps breaking on log out here as well. I log back in and my bear form is the regular bear form and not the Artifact appearance my weapon is transmogged into.

Can confirm this happens without add-ons on and on multiple characters that aren’t worgen.

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I tested it with normal mog changes via spec. specific settings.
Results was i did get Were bear in Cat spec…
I also changed the Head gear to a different mog. on another spec.
Relogged, the head mog from other spec over wrote the other specs.
The Artifact Appearance broke regardless of spec.

Edit: further Testing confirm that this also affects non Druids. Mogs do not save spec specific changes.

Same here. Even going to the transmog guy now yields no change, I just stay in old kitty form no matter what

This is happening to me as well with both feral and guardian specs. Really hope this gets fixed soon.

this bug is very annoying

Exactly as soon as I change specialization the lower half of my mog remains the same and it doesnt change like the way is used to.

I can confirm this also.

Having the same issue! I’m on Wyrmrest Accord-US.

It’s been 12 hours, why is this still NOT FIXED?

We have to keep reporting it so that Blue will see it, act like they have no idea what happened, wait 1 month, acknowledge the issue, then issue a fix in 9.2

Such is the cycle with feral/guardian forms.

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the legion shapeshifts should honestly be tied to either glyphs or the class trainer

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I want to report that it was fine earlier when doing the War Campaign but now I’m unable to use any of the Legion druid forms that are tied to the weapon appearances.

Also seeing this. Had a weird one when I first logged in today where I was on my werebear as feral (weird right?) but not the sparkle kitty. And I just logged back into my druid and I can see the claws mogged, just lost the legion bear skin. Haven’t tried remogging, that’s gonna get expensive.

I would rather it stayed with the weapon. I can change forms simply by swapping weapons.

It would be better though if the form visuals were applied via enchant visual slot. so we could use a different weapon mog while out of form but still have the desired shapeshift visual.

on the bright side. it seems mogs can remember specs again.
On the down side, if you modified any part of the mog while it was broke results in having to re pay to fix it.

If you have a legion form already labeled on the weapon, go to the transmog person and change the color only and then change it back again and that should fix 1 spec’s mog with out costing anything. however all other specs don’t seem to have it as an option. Result is the mog spec restriction appears to have been temporarily negated.

as new mogs dont transfer it would seem that is a minor bug that will correct itself after Re applying the Correct spec mog for each spec on those items.

Seems any character that did not change their mog had all the problems corrected and full mogs on those characters are back to normal.

Seemed fixed “enough” that spending a little gold (~250g-300g per spec specs) should be able to finish fixing damaged mogs on characters that made a change to the mog during the time it was broken.

So… unless there are any other issue i missed This Fashion Crisis Seems to be fixed.