Also voicing my same problem. Can’t transmog my Legion knife on my staff.
does bliz even read any of these comments or…? im having the same issue and its really annoying bc the legion appearances are the best looking weapons in the game and i was so excited to use them but now i cant. bliz why does this always happen and do you even care? hope this gets fixed and sad that i cant even put in a ticket or contact a gm all we can do is vent on this forum. thanks again bliz
Yup, I have not had a problem transmogging a staff to Xalatath all expansion. Logged on today and was unable to do so.
Same here my legion artifacts are not transmogging my staff - which is horrible since the fist weapons from the artifacts are the only mog I use normally.
Fix it blizz you broke something again.
Cant transmog into deadblades. Please hurry and fix
So far only seeing it on my brewmaster - I have 2 1h, one of which I share with my WW set. I had it mogged to the MT BRM appearance. Mogged it, logged to a different character, logged back in, tmog was reverted.
I’ll save my gold until it’s fixed I suppose.
I am also having the same issue, I mogged the staff I got into my demo dagger/off hand 2 weeks ago when I got it, and it’s still fine. but I just pulled a new staff out of the vault and it’s not allowing me to mog it into the artifact weapon anymore.
I am also unable to mog the old weapon into a diff version of the same dagger.
seems like mogging different weapon types is broken for some reason atm.
(I’d have less issue with this but my covenant back hides my staff and my artifact (skull and dagger) are the only thing that I will see while having it mogged.) p.s. affliction scythe and revendreth back blades don’t conflict with each other and would sweet if I could have both at the same time ; _ ;
I noticed the same issue just now on my fire mage that had the hidden appearance transmogged on his weapon. It reverted off and cannot reapply the xmog as of reset today.
Can confirm I’m having the same issue on both my balance druid and holy paladin. They both are currently using 1 handers with an offhand or shield and can’t mog artifact appearances for the balance staff or holy mace.
Yup. I was on my spriest and had Xal’atath appearance on a staff, but after the maintenance, it won’t transmog anymore.
yesterday i have my weapon transmoged but today cant transmog my staff into Guardian Artifact (in tank spec)
I hope they fix this soon… since I will have to pay to retransmog everything as my own stuff is broken too.
Same issue here, noticed it yesterday night.
I have the same issue. My staff was transmogged to my Legion artifact weapon (Xal’athath) on my spriest and when I logged in today the staff had its original appearance and could not be changed. I can transmog a dagger but the staff is no longer being transmogged.
Having the same issue with Legion artifact mogs.
Having the same issue with my staff which was mogged to a PvP Xala’tath appearance and my monk which had her polearm for ww spec mogged to a PvP skin of Fist of the Heavens.
so my polearm on my windwalker has been the legion artifact appearance it changed back today into unmogged weapon, but i swapped to brewmaster and i can mog the polearm into the brew artifact staff, same on mistweaver, so seems like the issue is changing a 2h into fist weps
Same for me
Having this issue as well on my druid