Transgender day of visibility

Either that or it is the car Burt Reynolds drove in Smokey and the Bandit

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Male. Female. Pick one. Everything else is more of a fantasy than WoW.


No, it doesn’t work that way.

Thanks for proving my point. :poodle: :smirk:


Whatever you say :foot:

Big intelligence only move is to complain about alt codes :rofl: :poodle: :man_facepalming:t2:


I wouldn’t call being in ones 50s old

Would you call Brad Pitt old (57yo) Barack Obama (59yo) Michael Jordan (58 yo ) Tom Cruise (58 yo) Jeff Bezos (57yo )

They are all older them me

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Dont waste your time on this one bruh lost cause they made like 8 threads spamming this junk.

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And I’ve been trying to actually show support and get Blizz to show him the same equality they give us when we ask for things like returning pvp vendors or valor or class changes . You know how Blizz gives us what we want in name but in the way they think we should want it . Well I think they should show the OP equality and give him what he wants in the same exact way . That seems fair and equal .

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Otherwise known as “Every single day on the WoW forums”

we see y’all


They don’t need to be represented in a game they aren’t oppressed here and we don’t need games to turn into soap boxes. Besides they have plenty of limelight seeking athletes and actors/actresses to do that.


Like I said in the same way Blizz give us what we want via the Monkey Paw inspector

It may be what we asked for but never in the way we wanted it.

I get ya titles like the straight man. :grin:

That would be equality . He gets what he wants like we get what we want but in the same exact way

How did I miss this epic trollbait?!

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You missed like 8 other threads of this one lol.

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Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise… epic gamer moments

Nah they got derailed hard lol was pretty good.

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damb you got me feelin regretful :sob: and I bet they would have called me something I’m not too that’d be funny ay eff

Dw give em a hr they will do another cant help emself.