
Looking for a raid team. 6/8 T2 hunter coming from bloodsail buccaneers. If that class isn’t what your looking for. Also have a mage, shaman, priest. I’m available any day of the week for raids so that isn’t an issue. Would like to talk to someone before I actually make the move. Would hate to do it and then find myself looking again in a short period of time. Thanks for taking the time to read.

what kind of guild are you looking for? when do you want to raid? we have cleared all content but are rebuilding a new raiding guild on mankrik since our old guild had poor leadership and biased loot rules.

[H] | Mankrik NA-PvE | Core: Mon/Wed & Alt: Tue/Fri | 8:30 - 11:30 EST | Semi-Hardcore | Loot Council

(1) Resto Shaman
(1) Mdps Warrior
(1) Hunter
(1) Rogue
(1) Any solid player

Raid Info
SH uses a LC based on raid performance, mechanics, raid preparation/attendance. They determine how each piece of gear will benefit the raid.

Raid invites go out 15 minutes prior to raid. You are expected to be in place and ready to pull at 8:30 with World Buffs/Consumables.
You will be prepared for each raid tier with knowledge of the fight as well as bringing resistance potions, utility potions and flasks and resistance gear.

The guild bank works to supply the raiders with as many potions as possible and crafting materials for items that should be supplied by the guild.

Need DPS for our Tuesday Molten Core & Friday BWL
Warlocks - High Priority
Fury Warriors - High Priority
Resto Shaman - Medium Priority
Healing Priest - Medium Priority
Rogues - Medium Priority
Mages - Low Priority
Druid/Shaman/Priest DPS - Medium priority
Hunters - Low priority

Raid Info
Tuesday/Friday raid is a more casual raiding environment.
Loot rules for this raid are Soft Reserve +1 Need > Greed roll. Any 1 epic can be soft reserved before raid. If soft reserved item drops, all players who reserved it will roll for it. If no one soft res the item, its MS>OS.

Contact Information
GM: Thòr
Recruitment Officer: Mahlyna/Rolmandor
Raid Officer: Swolthoth
Admin Officers: Malazo, Jevazide, Bitteme