Transferring my character to a less full server

Is this possible at all? i want to play with my friends and they all switched to a different server after i put in like 17 hours on this character.

Can this be done? thanks!

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the time invested is worth switching to me. i cant find this functionality to transfer can someone give me a link?


Transfers are not allowed in Classic, iirc.

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Classic World of Warcraft currently does not have Character Transfers.


Can we get a low pop migration this Q time is insane!

There looking at some changes from wowhead With hotfixes that we are currently deploying to all WoW Classic realms, we are substantially increasing the number of players that can be simultaneously logged in and playing. We expect this to result in smaller queues for realms that have large queues, and some realms should no longer have queues at all.

We will closely monitor performance and stability throughout this process.

Thank you very much.

I’m sorry, Deletedstab, but we aren’t Development. As previously stated by them, they are looking into character transfers, but I don’t have any additional information. Based on the language in the AMA I am not sure if Character Transfers are currently possible in Classic. They specifically said they are looking into “integrating” them.

In either case, if you would like to provide feedback about Classic, please post in the Classic Discussion forum.


I mean this is all on par with Classic right? Queue times, no character services etc?

I know it sucks. It is why I didn’t log on day one and invest time. I knew my friends would waffle at log in queues.


Can something be done to fix this we got a post saying things were going to be addressed today I go walk my dogs and come back to being d/c’d at the back of the queue like come on blizzard

Can something be done about being disconnected? No, unfortunately not. What they have done today is increased the capacity of the servers overall. Thus allowing more players on at a time.

They also plan on monitoring this on an on-going basis as they have been.

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I’m sorry, but again, we’re not Developers, any information on Classic will be found in the Classic forum and/or at the @WarcraftDevs twitter.