Transferring alts from dead servers

I don’t see this list?

Go to Shop, free character transfer, if your server isnt dead it wont work.

If community were all that important the players wouldnt have left theirs. Feel bad for those who tried to stick it out as long as they could but Blizzard didnt fail you, your community did.

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Edit: Here is the list, why it’s not stickied I don’t know:
Free Character Transfers for Burning Crusade Classic Realms - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

Sulfuras isn’t on the list yet because there are currently still a lot of horde there. Not surprisingly the person posting paid absolutely no attention to realm you said or where the free transfers are allowed from, because they are a bad person and a forum troll, the exact type of low life that my post right before theirs described, and their only goal was to be nasty to you. So paying attention is not their strong suit.

Again, just wait at least for a 30% off sale. These sale happen a lot. These are your alts and something may change.

i have an alt I’ve been considering transferring as well. I’m waiting.


Thank you!

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Wait I’m misunderstanding. Where are you trying to transfer to today? And which faction?

I have 3 ally Alta on sulfurus and I don’t care where

The problem is that they opened free transfers from dead servers to another dead servers which doesnt make sense.

Every alliance player is on Benediction and every Horde player is on Faerlina.

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