Transferred Servers. Map exploration lost

My friend and I transferred from Chaos Bolt to Crusader Strike. However, all of my characters lost all of their map exploration (except for cities). Even the starting zones now show as unexplored. However, I do still have all my flight points.

Is this normal? I didn’t see anything about map exploration in the server transfer FAQ.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can chime in.

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grats on the free XP you’re gonna get now!

Haha. True, that is one way of looking at it. I actually just leveled up to 38 a few minutes ago just by flying to an area I’ve been to numerous times, but this time got xp for “exploring” it.

Yeah, I have the same issue and it’s annoying. I’m gonna assume this is a bug, because I’ve changed servers on Retail various times in the past and this didn’t happen.

I just transferred one of my twinks from a low pop cluster to a larger one and i’m 3 bars away from dinging and my whole map is reset. I have the exact same issue, im literally crying right now…