Will start out by saying if you want to stay on Angerforge, feel free. It’s not a bad server, I’m making this post so that casual players who don’t know any better can see what they’re missing out on…
The best example I can give is my own experience. I was sick of having to constantly PM and beg the few healing classes in /who list for dungeon/raid heals, so I went to Eranikus.
First 15 minutes on Eranikus, I created a pug for 25 man VoA and it filled. It filled! A pug! It was a miracle. Not to mention there were so many people PM’ing me for an invite, I didn’t even have to take anyone of the same class as me. After VoA, I joined one of the many pug EoE 25 mans, was summoned in and we killed it first try.
This scenario is a pipe dream on AF and if you’ve never played on another server you wouldn’t even know what you’re missing out on. Worth every penny of the $25, you don’t need a guild or a weekly schedule to clear content, you just do whatever you want. Had no idea this would be so much better.