Transferred character and now missing Mother's Research

I transferred this character from Hyjal to Zul’jin with a 3/3 on Singular Sanitation Sanity during the first week of Visions. The transfer resulted in me now having 1/3 on SSS - a loss of 750. My Mementos achievement shows the correct amount. This is a serious issue for anyone looking to transfer. The in-game support simply provided a blanketed statement without explaining how this would be solved or if the issue would be corrected so I can proceed in the Vision as expected.

This is the latest update.


@Ekon, I see your reference is in relations to Faction Change…I hope they are looking at all (aka Realm Transfers affected too). This does give hope, thank you!

I had this issue as well! I spent more of my currency on another upgrade and it vanished again.

i believe they are looking at all cause i also transferred and let them know in that same thread that it happened to me. i think its specifically happening to any form of character transfers. i lost 4 traits 2 in singular sanitation sanity and 2 in clear sight. thats alot of mementos potentially lost if they dont fix it some how

Hope they get this fixed soon! Looking at a possible faction change here soon due to Alliance kinda gettinh shafted lately.

I’m having the same issue. I’ve been holding off on doing my next vision because I’m behind in traits. I don’t want to spend the crap I have right now cause I don’t want that to get me further bugged.

I want to add my information so it can help. I had all the way up the 3/3 Clear Sight, taking the solo side (3/3 Singular Sanitation Expertise) and Emergency Cranial Defibrillation.

Now, post-transfer, I have been downgraded to 1/3 Sanitation Expertise and 1/3 Clear Sight. In fact, it’s impossible for me to have this configuration through normal means:.

^ My post by Ruene was not the character, obviously. But I found another bug–I cannot select my realm transferred character for the forums. The issue is with Leìloo-WyrmrestAccord.