Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

Sulfuras is still locked for char creation and transfers, why? we don’t have Q’s at all.


Blizzard support been giving me the run around for a month now because of this same issue. I boosted on Grob and all my friends moved to Sulfuras. When I got home to transfer it was locked, and now my boost is just sitting there.


Why is it not possible to transfer from Fearlina (THE most populated server) to another server like Whitemane (a server without queue times but in a restriction)?

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Let people with level 80s use paid transfer to move alts to any realm. I don’t understand why this isn’t a thing I will be logged in anyway yet have alts stuck in my old realm.

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I completely agree I have 5 level 70s on Grobbulus and can’t transfer them over to Mankrik. Makes literally 0 sense let us transfer if we have a max level or soemthing. Grobb is like double the pop of Mankrik so I don’t see why I can’t transfer away from a higher pop server.

The Skyfury realm has been unlocked for new character creation.


can we boost on skyfury ? Journey buff is gone, even with heirlooms its …yeah
At least if we have a lvl 80 already? Pls?

When can we move our characters over from other servers? I will still only be able to play one person at a time. But I want them all on the same realms. My friends switched servers and I would like to move my other people over. Thanks.

This is great, thank you!

Can youu change factions when you move a character? Or is that not a thing, as of yet?

Reopen FCMs from Benediction to Sulfuras and Eranikus to sustain the Alliance population of those servers or you will have a dead server come TOGC. They are in the same position that many horde dominant pvp servers that are now shuttered were in at the start of TBC.

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What about Pagle?


Please, Merge Angerforge and Skyfury. Angerforge is dead.

Please, allow character transfers to Benediction for those who already have characters in Benediction. If we can make a new character in Benediction why can’t we transfer a character to Bene? Makes no sense.


When will transfers to other servers be allowed or even paid ones at that. I would like to transfer back to Grob or Mankirk. I transferred off of Grob with my friends so we could at least play together without a queue and now that we are at 80, it is very hard to find groups to play with. When can we get information on paid transfers being allowed back to Grob or to Mankirk?

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To add, when Sulfuras Alliance dies (which it will soon at this population ratio) it doesn’t even have a Benediction to transfer to. You locked all the good servers. So people will just unsub. Maybe something to mention to the bean counters who pull your strings.


free transfers shouldnt trigger the cooldown

Please allow transfers from Angerforge to Skyfury.


nobody cares about these when are som transfers opening ?

Are we allowed to transfer toons to skyfury? from lets say westfall to skyfury? i have a couple of friends that im trying to transfer them here with my main toons.

Edit: Never mind…i tried transfering but the server doesnt show up bleh hopefully we can get that soon…thanks for opening up though gives the ma chance to at least make a toon on it.

Pagle? /10char