Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

The best thing about being on a smaller server (I play Horde side on Bloodsail Buccaneers - PVE RP, one of the destination servers that you can free transfer to) is that other players mostly treat you as another human being, instead of a replaceable NPC. It’s refreshing to actually make casual acquaintances and friends, and to accidentally run into the same people. We have a really strong sense of community and we have a healthy pool of capable puggers. If you’re feeling adrift and alone on a high pop server, tired of being treated as a faceless, replaceable commodity, come over and hang out.

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Please unlock the servers.


Unlock the servers already.


I have characters on Sulfuras and Faerlina, I dont understand why I wouldn’t be able to transfer characters between one another. Only thing blizz cares about is money so why not take my money?

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Will Maladath ever be opened? the population is really low , in comparison to skyfury which is already enabled.


Dead servers, dead game, thank you blizzard for killing the game that soon.


It’s extremely frustrating. Benediction is locked, but I have characters on there already…no reason I can’t transfer characters onto the realm that are on the same account. Not like I would be taking another login slot from somebody.

Can we please get some insights on what we can’t transfer characters to realm that we ALREADY have characters on?


Unlock the servers please. There are no queues anywhere and still lots of people stranded away from their old friends and guild mates


Please either unlock the servers or create a BRAND NEW PVE server for both realm please!! too many people are waiting to be able to play their mains and are getting frustrated. Also, please do a better job informing us of new servers.

We are paying for this game monthly!! why are you guys NOT taking our requests seriously?

Please either open up the realms, or make a brand new PVE server on BOTH realms for the sake of us players who actually pays every month.

I dont understand why blizzard are IGNORING the requests of paying customers. Please FIX our requests.

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Why is it not possible to allow someone to transfer to a locked server if they already have characters (70+ or 80) on the locked server? IT MAKES NO SENSE


Also, you can boost a character on that same server. So you can’t transfer a character but you can boost one. It doesn’t make any sense.

Do you think maybe they want you to transfer off locked servers, blizzard has made it very clear in blue posts that they want to get rid of mega servers on classic.
But ya keep complaining about why can’t they open up locked servers. You’ll be complaining and you’re the only one or 1000 people left on realm and be forced to transfer or risk you losing your characters on a dying or locked server.
So do us all a favor and just stop complaining about the same thing over and over again either transfer off or stay; but stop complaining about blizzard not doing this or that for you; they have to think of the bigger picture

Being unable to transfer to a locked realm you already have a max character on is ridiculous considering you can buy a boost under the same conditions. Being able to consolidate characters from multiple mega servers to one seems to align with the ‘mega server’ philosophy last posted.

Please update the permissions check within same accounts to be consistent with the character boost query. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of requests for this feature in this discussion alone.

And no, boosting or re-leveling is not the same thing with how much time and care players put into individual characters.

Please at least let us move toons to a realm if we have a toonthere(or even max level toon). My guild broke apart and I am trying to move my main over to a locked server where i have an 80. The logic here makes no sense to block those kinds of transfers - even though at this point they should be opened regardless.

Yes I can make new toons, but I have a lot of progress on achievements and mounts so is just a bummer :frowning:

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Coming from someone who transferred off Benediction to Sulfuras (Huge mistake) it has been massively disappointing. I transferred my main that I have been playing since WoW Classic over with the hopes that Sulfuras would flourish and it is an absolutely dead realm. You cant find groups for anything including dungeons, the AH is massively inflated due to low player pop, theres no one in any major city Dalaran might have 40-50 people at most at any given time. It sucks that even with my alt still on Benediction that I cant xfer back. My alt has now become my main just so I can play the game but its sickening that a toon with almost 5k achieve points, zulian tiger and multiple other rare mounts cant even show off the rewards of hard work and is stuck on a dead realm to gather dust. Locking servers has been the worst decision yet. You have literally ruined the game for a vast majority of the players on these locked realms. Thanks Blizzard I tip my hat to you

sfdgsfrghsghsghsrgsraarhasrhbrssarthR fcgdjht

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They need to make server transfers every 30 days instead of 90.

Came here to second this - Maladath is long overdue for transfers. I have alts on megaservers and I’d rather bring them to play with friends on Maladath. Take my money blizz, it’s what you love doing

kjkladjksflajksdfl;kmasdflkaj sdf a;lksdjfl asjdl;fajsdfkjasdfkljs ljal;sdkjf alksdjfl; asdal;skjlajsdfklj sdfj klajsdl;fjkasdlk fjkl;djl;f asdl;kfjlk jadskl; jf;lasdj l;kjal;sdfjl; kjklj

That’s a pretty controversial take, but I hear ya.

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