Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

Please open Sulfuras to Alliance transfers. The faction balance is skewing horde.


Unlock sulfuras!


Unlock Sulfuras for paid transfers already. There hasn’t been a queue in ages. Again, I’m asking you to let me give you money. I want to raid with my friends.


Why can Season of Mastery realms transfer to Whitemane but it’s locked for everyone else in regular WOTLK Classic

People have been asking you to unlock Whitemane for awhile now because you know
 it never had queues to begin with. Just to be clear, I have other characters on Whitemane already, I CAN MAKE A NEW PRIEST AND LEVEL IT TO 80 but I can’t transfer my existing priest over.


@kaivax @anyCSperson
I fat fingered my boost on Pagle as horde
 only 11 horde players online and my guild needs me for our speed runs on Whitemane. Can you guys PLEASE unlock Whitemane for a short time at least since support refuses to assist in anyway. ILL PAY QUAD TO PLAY WITH MY FRIENDS PLEASE.

You know it is very counterintuitive to not allow transfers to realms that a player already has characters and friends on instead of some deadbeat realm. What you call this “answering our requests”, it is only an insult and a waste of our time. Highly recommend allowing players to transfer to realms they already have characters on.

It’s a lot like promises being broken by Blizzard in the massive chain of promises. Would not be surprised if many players that were waiting for transfers to realms they already had characters on just unsubscribe because of yet another poorly executed idea.

The community is here and more than willing to assist in feedback to give the community better quality products that the consumer enjoys.


Vendrek | Kernen | Vierdra


Adding to the pile of people asking for transfers to Whitemane. WotLK is a very alt-friendly expansion and even though I have an established main character fully geared at lvl 80 on Whitemane I can’t transfer any of my lvl 60-70 alts over to enjoy them there. I don’t even bother playing with them and its to the point now where I’m considering unsubscribing as there’s just nothing left for me to do. Whitemane has no queues. Let us transfer if we already have an established presence on the server. It’s not rocket surgery. It’s about the player experience. Literally saying shut up and take my money!


How long are we gonna wait until unlock of Sulfuras? I have a few friends waiting for that also I can’t transfer my alts from Benediction and enjoy them since I’m already geared with my 80 in Sulfuras. We don’t have Q’s at all and I think we need more population.

Please unlock Sulfuras.



Another week of blizzard not fixing a problem they created.

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It’s time to unlock the servers seriously, the launch hype is fading away everyday and a lot of the remaining players are not able to play with their friends because servers remain locked.


Can we please get an update on transfers? If nothing else, unlock the option to xfer an alt to our current server. Makes no sense whatsoever as to why that would be blocked as it does nothing to inflate the population or risk gaining a queue.

Since when does Blizz dislike taking our money??


Well said. I am in the same situation. UNLOCK SULFURAS!


I also have deleted characters on Benediction that i’d like get restored before they are permanently deleted but @blizzard has not responded to my ticket. Now if they get permanently lost they will tell there is nothing they can do. All because i migrated off of the server to Eranikus and didn’t leave 1 character there to be able to un-delete them.

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Please unlock Grobbulus - there haven’t been queues in 10+ days.


Unlock skyfury for transfers we still dont have que times just unlock all the realms already all the weaklings went to retail or quit now is the time to unlock transfers/faction changes

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Unlock all the servers .


Unlock Faerlina already


Unlock Sulfuras for the love of god.


Did the decision maker just go on vacation or something? Seriously?! Queues are gone and we are still stuck not being able to play with our friends. Unlock the servers already!


There haven’t been queues BECAUSE the servers are locked. if they unlocked the servers, everyone would try to immediately transfer back and we’d be in the same situation. Lmao I’m so glad you guys aren’t responsible for making decisions.