Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available -- Updated Nov. 22

Stop it Blizz! You’re just creating more mega servers by limiting where they can go. Look at what you did to Atiesh, it went from medium to full in just 5 days, and now we can’t farm materials to make things we need because there are so many people that there is just too much competition. It will literally take you 2 hours to farm 1 stack of adamantite ore. Who wants to spend hours upon hours farming one item just so you can make 1 thing? I’ve tried different times and locations and when I made a ticket to Blizz the actual answer to that ticket was “We don’t have time to get to your ticket right now. Try asking the community for help”. Please fix this!

at least you got a response. i posted 7 days ago and haven’t gotten anything.

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Wish I had waited, then.
Wanted to go to Myzrael, wish it had been added to begin with =/

Is this a joke? These servers are empty you are allowing free transfers to are ghost towns. Please stop making the player experience worse?

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Still waiting for a crumb of communication on Sulfuras.


It is now launch day, and there is STILL no word on the fate of Sulfuras. As it stands, our friends/guildies will be starting on other servers with the hope that we can eventually reunite, so that they do not fall behind in terms of leveling/gearing.

Splitting up friend groups/Guilds IS NOT preferable to queues. Full stop. Queues are manageable and can be beaten/avoided, a locked server cannot.

PLEASE do the right thing and unlock Sulfuras before launch (or very shortly thereafter)


Sulfuras is still locked and I can’t use a free transfer to play with friends in another realm.

Blizzard is forcing me to play alone or pay a transfer :cry: :sob: :sob:


Please blizzard, release free transfers out of Sulfuras already. You basically forced a bunch of people from dead servers on to Sulfuras ( before deleting the realms) And your now holding them hostage there by locking the realm and NOT releasing free transfers (unless they pay you 35$ to transfer out). Absolutely DISGUSTING


I and my best friends are creating at least one character on each server to avoid this absurd block they are doing with us because we don’t know what it will be like in the next few days. This saves a lot of headaches and frustration.

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Those of us that have been left stranded on those “dead” servers have been asking for this exact thing for a long time. Ideally this would have happened weeks ago giving more people time to coordinate with their friends/guilds and make the choice to move to one of these lower pop servers that are in need of some bodies to bring them back to viable life.

We need some more people no doubt but they are far from dead at this point. It is people who refuse to even consider moving off of megaservers and embrace a mid pop lifestyle that are the holdup at this point. Yet you would prefer for us to be stuck on lower pop servers with no way for blizz to entice people to spread out and repopulate? Enjoy your 4 hour Q tonight, I’ll bet I get on right at launch! :slight_smile:


Is Bloodsail really dead? Even at 70?
I really want to leave Faerlina but not if there’s no players.

When can I transfer to Whitemane? I didn’t play TBC for a year, and found my server, Herod, was gone when I logged on my account this month. Now I am stuck in Sulfuras and am seperated with my friends. The ridiculous part is there is no queue on Whitemane, but there is a long queue over 1500 on Sulfuras.

I’m stuck on Benediction because of mail…

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I was all ok to transfer off of Mankrik since I don’t have any friend playing Classic. Problem is I can not transfer due to using a $50 boost. What gives??

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I transferred off of Grobbulous since the server was full and the free transfer was offered. I got put onto Sulfuras and now I’m stuck in even longer queues. Why transfer people to a server and lock it if you’re just going to make more queues?

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YUP me too

I understand its unlikely I’ll get a response but is there a reason why there hasnt been an option for Benediction to transfer to an East coast PvE server?

The only East coast options have been PvP and most recently RP.

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I don’t have any East Coast PVE options to transfer to. What gives? Only option is RP realm?


lol RIP for not checking my mail last night…