I question the existence of this currency in the first place but that’s irrelevant.
Now that in 9.1.5, they have increased the source and gain of grateful offering (GO), is it too much to ask to make this also transferrable to alts?
The combination of having both anima and GO to buy transmogs make certain grinds feel unnecessarily long. Not to mention you can use 35 GO to roll an unlearned legendary.
Yes I know I can grind korthia for 3k relics for a random leggo, and no I will not be doing that because grinding out korthia on one character was enough.
You aren’t aiming high enough. Once you’ve unlocked the main story line it is anything less than acceptable to have all those currencies available to you account wide foe alts. They should be stored in your character currencies tab and once you hot a certain milestone the total should be combined between all of your tools.
Grateful offerings
Stygian Embers
THIS is partially how you design an “alt friendly” expansion. Instead of designing ten dumb systems that upset you and make you not want to play alts and quit sooner. Make it incredibly accessible to play alts immediately so that you have fun and have 12 more character slots worth of reasons to keep playing
You are right. But I have low expectations so I don’t torture myself 
im sure your alts would be grateful of this offering
I have 1400 grateful offerings on this one and everything from all covenants leather bought and i have like 50 ballpark on the rest of my alts which need stuff from gratefull offerings so now i m relying on doing emiseries but its going too slow 
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This 100%. I am sitting on so many useless offerings on my main and have 0 interest in farming them for each alt I set up on other covenants. Just let us send them like anima now.
I am somewhat okay if they do or dont do the mailable AO thing because i am doing the emissaries on alt days which is giving me around 40k gold every 2nd day and like 10+ offerings which takes a total of like 100 minutes ballpark but thats coz i play a lot which is not something a lot of people do .
But if its just me its fine that doesnt matter it is “fine” for most players this issue does need to be looked at and fixed .