Transfer level 60 Character from Wrath to Classic Era

Shut up I don’t care about your BS. They made clones, you said no. They made clones cheaper. You said no. They said they’re getting rid of clones. You said no. They got rid of clones and now you’re losing your mind. Now you’re out here calling yourself a loyal customer while calling those who disagree as simps? You’re an idiot.

Blizz said they will never allow us to be able to move down to an old expac. You cant even move a toon from a higher level account to a lower level one. Even in retail if you move a toon from one account to a higher upgraded version, then you cannot move it back to the other one.

Why would anyone care about your bs? You are an idiot. The only one losing their mind is you because you’re sad enough to be bothered by people posting on a forum. Get a life shill :expressionless:


It’s rich that you can’t actually say anything other than to copy what I said.

Copying me won’t bring cloning back. You had you chance and chose not to.

Sucks to suck, you skill diff’d yourself. Go cry more.

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You keep simping but it’s clearly hurting your mental health. Get help and stop being so upset :expressionless:


I understand what they are saying. I have a 60 warrior on a WotLK server from years ago when it was Classic Vanilla. I’d rather it remained on an era type server but it is what it is.

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A snapshot of a clone got deleted. One you never spent any time or effort on because its a copy. Your character that you cared enough about to play classic never got deleted.

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Blizzard should have valued their most loyal customers and not deleted those characters for short term benefits on corporate reports


I’m not the one parading myself around as a loyal customer.

You’re just an idiot lmao, but it’s fun watching your schizo breakdown in real time.

The name calling really adds to the conversation.

Well just have to see what the out come is. I would love if theyre able to reopen the service (its well known that blizzard saves everything in the draws of their employees, sword of a thousand truths anyone?).

I do regret not copying mine when i had the chance. If i hadnt of stopped raiding SWP when i did, i would have heard the news and copied it.


You’re unhealthily obsessed with things that don’t impact you. Get help champ.

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To be very fair, Everything content wise feels kinda bleh past BWL (in vanilla) and AQ is where wow jumped the shark.

AQ20/40 is no harder than BWL, but no one enjoys it because the theme does not fit the game even if there is lore to support it. Naxx has a reputation for consumes that turns people off.

I think the safe way to play PvE is consumes are for speed clearing, but not needed; they aren’t actually needed in Naxx but many think so because it makes certain battles easier.

Look in the mirror.

No clones for you, go play fresh hc or the upcoming SoM.

Sure we can agree stopping the clones was a bad decision in hindsight NOW.

Lets not get it twisted and act like anyone took anything from you or deleted your character. That never happened and you people act like it has. You are conflating a clone with your real character you spent time on. Its disingenuous at best.

I did one hardcore character that’s enough to satisfy me for a lifetime. If blizzard drops a fresh server and the changes aren’t too bad they’ll get that sweet $16 back

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Ya I messed up and transferred characters to Wotlk, not realizing I could xfer to classic era.

I haven’t touched them and would love them on era instead.


Same, if I they ever provides the service, I would be very interested.


Are these the loyal customers who stopped their subscription during the whole of TBC? Which is why they didn’t know about the free Era or TBC choice?

Doesn’t sound loyal to me.

it shouldn’t have cost money in the first place. How can you sell somebody their character that they already own lmao