Transfer level 60 Character from Wrath to Classic Era


Please make it possible to transfer a level 60 character back to Classic Era from Wrath. I would pay for this service. Take money from me please.

Thank you!


Bring back cloning service, simple as that. Hell bring it back at the original price.


Listen, I’ll send a screenshot of my classic character and gear to Bobby and he’ll tell me how much money it’ll take to make it happen.


Gave you a like because its the most stupid request i have seen today.

Imagine if that would be possible.

I don’t know how many times it needs to be said, but they deleted the snapshot data. Maybe you don’t trust Blizzard and think it’s a lie but think about it… would you have saved the snapshot data? This isn’t a character as some people have suggested. It’s a backup of a character on one specific date at one specific moment that had one specific purpose. Once the purpose had expired why in the world would you keep that data? It makes no sense.


It’s a shame they deleted the characters of people who cared enough about their company to play the classic version of their product.


they knew it’s getting deleted from months before they created them.

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Like I said it’s a shame blizzard doesn’t value the people who cared enough to play their classic product.


the foresight is 20/20 but at the time they planned frequent worlds being born and dying.

think “Burning Man”. Is it 9 days to build a village and then it’s all destroyed?

but then SOM numbers sucked after BWL so they scrapped everything.

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Which just shows how gutted and in shambles they are as a company. Big shock som1 had low participation directly after classic ends and tbc is the hot new thing. So bizarre. Let’s release a season with the only changes being harder raids that take up more of your time :expressionless:


Sorry guys the Mcrib was a limited time deal, we threw out the recipe.

No i dont think theyve thrown it out, just waiting for enough traction.

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Why not? I’m not even trying to argue here I am genuinely curious. If I were running WoW I would not have kept it. I can’t think of a single reason to keep it.

It was a sold service that generated revenue. Those that jumped on the opportunity already have given their money over. By stating taking the service away, you generated additional demand. With the setvice being removed, theres now an additional group of people who either missed the service (due to break from the game) or regret not using it. This group of people, including me, are willing to pay for the service, more revenue generated.
Character info should not be hard to hold onto, i dont believe they really needed server space that badly.


Yes, there’s always money to be made. Long term planning.

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It’s an equation though. Like… if you have 50 bags of ice but it costs you 10 bucks a week to keep them frozen does it pay to keep them if they never sell? Of course not.

Now, I know what you are thinking… it doesn’t cost money to store that data… but it kind of does. When dev team 3 says “hey we need some more storage for all this really cool Overwatch 2 PvE content we have been working on” (lol) , they have a choice. Do they buy more storage or do they … ahem… make room.

I’m guessing their ice bag sales were pretty darn slow by the time they stopped offering clones.

Some companies bet on short term. With something like this though, I’d have gone long.

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How about you just level a new character?
You rmt andies keep spamming this forum with your continuous clone threads, when there already exists plenty of threads to discuss the topic on.

It’s a shame you had a long time to clone but didn’t.

You pay for access to the server. You do not own your characters.

permanently deleted and unavailable for cloning.

Moving data backwards is a very difficult task, a level 60 could have played TBC, so many items it could have like ores, TBC BoEs, Wrath items too.

It’s true I agree it’s a shame blizzard chose to not value their most loyal customers and chose instead to have a minuscule bump in wrath characters for corporate reports and a negligible amount of money saved compared to the long term value of keeping loyal customers. It’s a real shame they deleted those characters. Glad we all agree and no one is white knight simping for a faceless corporation that makes billions of dollars.