Transfer aborted

Unable to hearth, to destination, cant fly from Auberdine to Darnauss, end up in the water and die from Fatigue. Not impressed with this upgrade. Please resolve


I, everyone in my guild, and everyone in LFG chat is complaining about this issue. I couldnt port anywhere so I tried to fly to Dalaran on my mount but had the same issue. This needs an immediate fix. This issue is game breaking. Get it together, Blizzard!

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It takes a while, remember, this game is being built out of a garage in Silicon valley…

oh, sorry.

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Dungeon Finder filled my group for H FoS and at first no one could zone in. 3 members got in, but 2 of us could not teleport into instance. Updated addons, reloaded UI, relogged (bad choice, couldn’t log back in for several minutes). Tried to fly to ICC to physical entrance and flying too close to the Court of Bones or Citadel entrance rubberbanded me back to the mountains between ICC and Dalaran. I cannot use hearthstone to Dal, several players cannot use portals to any city and any instanced areas I fly thru bounce me out. 1 mage whispered me and said he could not, teleport, portal, or fly out of WG no matter what he tried.


Bump still an issue that needs a fix before people lose there Tuesday weekly raid lockouts to some dumb mistake made by the Developers or any other problems that could be caused.

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there’s a saying:

“If it ain’t broke, break it.”


I was dropped from the sky mid flight to my death, and now can’t revive. The shovelware game has finally broken down, and I doubt they are in any kind of rush to fix it.

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Bump…why can’t we get a response from a BLUE for this ongoing issue?

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Yep I am stuck, can’t hearth or use any of my teleportal options as a mage. (on my mage).
Then tried taking a flight to Dalaran and it rubber banded me back…jfc

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Cata starting early lol

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Small indie company doin the best they can.

Servers are now shutting down.

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