Transfer aborted: instance not found

Getting Transfer aborted: instance not found when i try to do the cloak quest or upgrade crucible quest to change zones. loading screen stays 0% and then kicks me back to where i was before i attempted to enter/queue. been going on for over an hour. Probably 2.


Yep same for me.

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Having the same issue.

I am as well.

Edit: to add on to my issue, I’m on a 120 Resto Shaman who hasn’t been boosted or transferred, I’ve completed the required nazjatar quests and even the cloak quest line, I had just finished my first horrific vision where I was leaving it to complete the quest “Into the Darkest Depths” when it kicked me from chamber of heart and has not let me in for over 6 hours now. It tells me “Transfer aborted: instance not found” while not loading at all on the loading screen and kicking me back out.

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Same here, Halls of Origination

Same. Made a ticket. Hopefully gets fixed so i can finish this questline… again.

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Same issue, this has been happening since at least four hours ago on Ragnaros, it won’t allow access to the visions and won’t allow me access to dungeons

Same. Happened with Mogushun Vaults until I /reload ui. Now persistent with Halls of Origination.

Restarted, deleted WTF and Cache, restarted router, restarted computer, updated addons, disabled addons.

Anyone have any luck?

120 boosted monk - halls of origination cloak starter quest (already completed on hunter main)

  • turned off all addons and got into the instance successfully ONE time
  • tried to turn off addons selectively thinking it was an issue and never could get in again
  • turn off addons AGAIN completely and can’t repeat successful access to instance

Some sort of server issue but who knows.

Yes, same issue with a new toon :frowning:

Fix your game Blizzard. Cloak is kind of a big deal.


Looks like instance servers are down. Same here. I am trying complete the Magni line but cant zone into the dungeon.

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Problem still occurring. Been trying to get into HoO for the last hour. Instance is still down everyone. Just to clarify, it is not the client, files or an addon issue. The instance server is down over on Blizzard’s side. Currently there is no fix it seems, guess we just have to wait.

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Yep, same here. I’ve been trying to get the wretched dragon scales for the cloak since last night. Logged in again this morning, same thing… transfer aborted.

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Having same issue… :upside_down_face:

For HoO I tried to go in got kicked out. Abandoned quest and picked it up again and then it let me in.

Edit…did not work for Blackwing Descent

Ive tried this many times and nothing :frowning:

Same here. On Cloak questline. Mogushan and HoO down

Instances seem unavailable for access for hours for me as well.

Same here. Trying “investigating the halls”, no luck.