Transfer aborted: Instance not found

Sentinels - US

Doing all of these things causes the “Transfer Aborted: Instance not found” to pop and your toon to get stuck in limbo;

  • Taking the portal to the Dragon Isles.
  • Using your hearthstone.
  • Trying to leave Stormwind in any way.
  • Walking around Stormwind.
  • Trying to exit the game.

Also, there is still no boat to the Dragon Isles. Trying to take boats elsewhere sends you back to the dock. Trying to fly out of Stormwind will either get you stuck in midair without being able to move, or, drop you out of the sky over and over again.

Had to Alt-f4 just to get out of the game.


Its sad we pay a premium just to deal with this non sense on launch day.


Every expansion, every. single. time.


Stuck in Maldraxxus… Cloak of Unity won’t take me to Orgrimmar and the flight master is no longer where they used to be? Also getting that error.

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Same with trying to teleport to Undercity. I was able to get to Shattrath though.

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Transfer aborted trying to zone to Ohn’ahran Plains for “Into the Plains” campaign quest.

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same…i’ve spent more time either being stuck in a loading screen…or getting lagged out…or getting bonced back lol

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Transfer aborted in Waking Shores trying to turn in the quest “Restoring the Faith” to Wrathion.


I was having the same trouble too, but I was able to get there from the portal in Draenor.

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Transfer aborted: Instance not found, then died midair flying over Durotar. Now stuck in a cycle of can’t release, finally resetting and immediately dying again. Over and over. Logged into a different toon and same thing happened. Now have 2 toons stuck in repeated dying cycles.

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I got this at the beginning, tried to hearth to org but got the instance message, so I took a flight path and got to org but then when you’d normally land the bird just sat there flapping for several minutes before the game went back to the character select screen. Logged back in and org was absolutely empty and no chat. Fooled around for 10 minutes and eventually got rubber banded back to the flight path landing point. Took 3 minutes for my shapeshifts to actually work. Logged completely out of the game and now the launcher is fubarred. Just keeps verifying files, tries to update and gives me an error message.

You’d think with as many xpacs as Blizz has released they’d of prepared a bit more for this nonsense and it wouldnt happen every new xpac. Guess some folks don’t learn from past mistakes.

I don’t remember Wrath or Legion being this wonky though. Well wrath had the “door boss” issues for a long time.

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I get this same error text when I try to do the last quest for the Night Fae campaign. Drust to Ashes takes me to a graveyard with this error message.