Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found error

So I’ve been having issues with this say about two weeks now? Ever since I downloaded the PTR that was available to all to test. Since then been having issues and I’ve been trying to get in touch for support about this but it seems wow is ignoring my help. I’ve been told it’s a connection issues but it’s not! I did everything and reset everything and including uninstalled wow to top it off. Anyone else having this issue? It’s getting annoying to the point I don’t want to play wow anymore… and I’m getting angry at this point. Even when I’m flying into different zones I have the text saying it and it pushes me back further in the zone.

Someone please help me.

You a Telus Alberta user by any chance? Welcome to the club. Keep bumping this thread:

I did. It’s super annoying!
To the point I don’t want to play WoW.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] Telus/Canada - Transfer Aborted: Instance not found