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Telemon, can’t wait!
Interesting! Thank you very much. I literally just threw archery related things at translators until I found one I liked, so this helps me immensely.
Both you and OP deserve props.
The chinese version of Jan-Mak sounds so darn cool. I want to use that IC somehow. Thank you, Zatiya.
In Shadows of the Horde, Vol’jin was given a Pandaren name (“Vol’jian”) whilst training with the Shado-Pan monks. Could have Jan-Mak train at one of Pandaria’s monasteries.
Edit: Or even alongside a Pandaren friend!
Nakhu Woebringer…Nakhu is a name I took from the Secret History of the Mongols, so a translation would be interesting to me
I remember that now. I’ve floated with the idea of Jan-Mak taking some form of pilgrimage similar to what Vol’jin endured during his self-exile. I can’t for the life of me get into Monk, and BfA makes alts painful. Maybe I’ll try it again. Who knows.
Well, it seems implied (at least to me) that a “monk” in the Pandaren sense is not the same as a monk in the general WoW sense. They seem to encompass just about all classes in WoW. Thus, I could see the value in just about any class undergoing such training.
High Elder Cloudfall, for example, leads the Tian Monastery and is clearly a shaman.
Bipzi Fizzlebonk
yeah. i might legit make a new character called
just because it’s dope. once again, thank you zat for being cool and doing this. i look forward to your next poem.
Silvorin Leafway - 斯利沃林·叶道 (sī lì wò lín · yè dào)
Kattani - 卡塔妮 (kǎ tǎ nī)
Sakandi - 莎康迪 (shā kāng dí)
Isalenna Rosebrook - 伊莎伦娜·玫瑰溪 (yī shā lún nà · méi guī xī)
Hukaga - 胡卡加 (hú kǎ jiā)
Telemon - 特勒芒 (tè lē máng)
Nakhu Woebringer - 纳忽·帶祸者 (nà hū · dài huò zhě)
[Assuming you are speaking of Nakhu Bayan, the father of Boorchi, then I used the historical Chinese transcription for that name)
Bipzi Fizzlebonk 比普齐·嘶砰 (bǐ pǔ qí · sī pēng)
[嘶 and 砰 are both onomatopoeias.]
I would love to see Taran Dawnsong, maybe even Terran Dawnsong? As I want that name someday…
Tyinall Brightvale?
When I put it in a translator, it said Treemand, which is not a word I guess but kind of a cool name since it has Tree in it.
Tele means at a distance, and mon like pokemon is monster. So roughly means “monster in the distance”.
It’s not meant to be a direct translation. But rather how your character’s name would be transcribed if they were an in-game character localized to China or Taiwan.
Addenum: Although on second thought, maybe 泰莱芒 (tài lái máng) would work better.
Indeed, I was. Thank you very much.
I see that most of the avatars of the pictures are still active so, why not make some good necro .
What about Huoshen?
Huoshen - 霍申 (huò shēn)
my name its more japanese style but the translator says " Hazumi 哈祖米 " xD
Heck it, I’ll give it a go, and thank you, Zatiya. This has been fun to read.