Transcendence BiS

Transcendence best move in WoW :open_mouth:?

More like the one ability I never put on my bars bc I personally found it more trouble than it was worth. Although it may see use now with the new talent.

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Yeah, avoiding knockbacks and/or mechanics is just too much of a headache…These forums are wild.


PVP wise, probably up there. Zen meditation needs to not be broken during transfer though.

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I don’t pvp and Ive never found a use for it in pve that I couldn’t just do something better :person_shrugging:

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I’m bored and need a chuckle, what do you have in your toolkit to avoid knockbacks better than transcendence?

p.s. edit: I’m certainly not saying you have to use it, you do you and play how you want. I just find it funny you’d avoid something that’s so easy to use to literally prevent mechanics.

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PvP only !

Transcendence is super good in raid fights like Dathea.

It was AMAZING for the dragon boss in Vortex Pinnacle, you could just go up and teleport back down and get back to healing asap, or teleport to the other side of the room to avoid breath attacks.

Any situation where you need to get out of melee to drop bad somewhere and then teleport back to a boss is nice, assuming you remember to put Transcendence down in melee at some point.

It’s AMAZING for resetting fights on progg night. Saves a ton of time running back and saves you from having to refresh your buffs, which saves gold. If you don’t think you will have a decent use for it in a fight just set it outside of the raid border on progg and let your raid leader know you can reset whenever they make the call. ( say if a tank dies you would just provoke the boss and teleport outside before it chunks you, or teleport outside and wait for something to target you and reset the fight )


What is trouble about it? If there’s a fight you know has a knockback or knockup, you just drop it.


Wouldn’t say it’s BiS, but it definitely shines in situations regarding positioning.


Saved the day again !

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In PvP, yeah, very nice. In PvE you almost never really randomly use it to “save” anything, if often is not even worth the time it takes to drop and use it.

In PvE it is nice as a tank for pulling, hard to find constant uses for it as WW or MW though.

Super niche uses excluded, obviously, they are outliers and are cool.

TLDR: Awesome ability, wish it was useful more often in PvE.

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You obviously don’t raid progression. The save being referred to is being able to port outside of the encounter, thereby being able to rez and prevent having to wait for everyone to run back. In addition, there have been more than a few fights with knockbacks, which transcendence completely negates. Again, if you don’t want to use it no one cares. But calling it niche or insinuating it isn’t useful is just disingenuous.


TLDR: Transcendence is one of the most underrated/underutilized Monk abilities and with a little bit of preplanning it’s extremely useful.

Sorry about the long post but you really can do so much with this ability and it’s so much fun to see people get creative with it. For raid it’s usually used for resetting bosses or for general repositioning. A good example would be Fyrakk tornados (especially since we’re seed healers) or getting back to the seed drop before the knockback.

For M+, Pre-dropping Transcendence is a valuable global as you head into a pack, this can replace your pre-pull Essence Font (if that’s something you did) since the ability has been removed but there are many situations where it can be game changing. Typically MW will drop it out in near the ranged in case you need to plant and channel SooM for heavy ST healing, but don’t have time to run all the way out but can’t stay in melee due to ground effects/frontals/etc. This would ensure your cast doesn’t get interrupted and you can prio healing before redropping a Transcendence and heading back into melee when stabilized.

You can also think about Storming, though this has also been removed this type of mechanic is not unique to the affix, when being knocked around in melee you could often find yourself in the air when something spawns under you or when one of the other hundreds of melee mechanics are going to hit you when you land. Using Transfer to get out would save your life in this case. Consider the knockbacks in Grim Batol and the large gap in the middle of most of the dungeon. You can apply this to basically any knockback/knockup as well as maximizing uptime even if it’s not technically life threatening.

General repositioning is also a common use in M+ for when there are puddles/ground effects that last long enough that your pathing may bring you back around where they become an issue, think first boss and last boss Mists when you have lots of area denial already and new swirlies are spawning. You should be dropping Transcendence in a place where it’s unlikely to be covered in puddles, but at the very least it won’t have the swirlies dropping directly onto you. For this specific example you can also break your Mind Link very quickly. You can also use it on the 2 axe thrower pack right before the third boss of the Necrotic Wake, if you are targeted with a fixate immediately into the axe toss it can be quite hard to get back to the other mob, but with a properly placed transcendence you’re actually the best target for this mechanic.

Now that we have our new class tree we have more incentive to use Transcendence outside of dodging mechanics or movement. With the new talents Spirit’s Essence (slows enemies), Healing Winds (10% self heal), Linked Spirits (port to an ally), and Escape From Reality (this isn’t new but has been reworked, allows us to teleport an additional time before going on CD), we have opened up much more use for this spell.

This doesn’t even begin to touch on the “less ethical” uses that we saw in Throne of the Tides to use the last boss buff to clear the other wing by Transferring outside of the room in the Ozumat phase, any kind of snapping, skips, and just generally a safety net.

I could probably type about this ability forever but I’ll leave you with the big parts + some modern examples o7

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Really like the new slow and heal with Transcendence but it sucks that the teleport to ally is broken in BGB

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That is niche though, and you are not “saving” anything play wise, that is more of a meta gaming efficiency time save. Maybe you got a little smooth and skipped over the part where I said “they are outliers and are cool”.

It is okay, get extremely defensive and try to act like I said it was a bad ability not worth using, idc, you do you bubby.

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This may just be the dumbest thing I read on the forums today, so grats I guess.