Trans Women ARE Women

You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still William Thomas. Or something… it’s an old saying!

Budging on what exactly? And change my opinion on what? You guys arent answering my question to have my opinion changed at all.

What is a woman?



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How many are you up to now?

That depends on what you’re doing with it.

Engineering, quite often 1.4 = 1.

The real world is truly binary in very, very few things at a macroscopic level. There are almost always exceptions.

I was just thinking that lmao, this weekend is gonna be lit

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So as a guy, if I put on a dress, that makes me a female or a woman? Thats an answer that I got.

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Make sure you have someone available to call an ambulance if needed.

I bet you’d be gorgeous!


So you arent actually serious in answering my question?

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Ahahahah you act as if anybody who knows anything around here doesn’t already have you on ignore :joy:

What part of

was unclear?

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You need to chill a bit, I am calling the practice it, because I lived with it and have a very accurate view of it. The fact your parents do it has nothing to do with it, Don’t know your parents nor would I care if they were in front of me and saying it, I would say the same thing. You are choosing to put it as an insult to them, when its just to premise. You have seen enough of me or my demon hunters responses to know if I was insulting them, I have 0 qualms in saying them.

Then why ask if there is anything that would change my mind? If you are just going to troll I might as well put you on ignore and have a conversation with someone who would want to answer my question.

Curiosity and a chance of some self-reflection on your part, though I see that missed the mark.

Go for it, I’ll still continue making fun of you for my own amusement.


If you want to be a woman and present yourself as such, then you are.

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That was asked 10 minutes after your insult. Funny how the people who claim others are sexist or whatever are the exact thing that they hate.

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