Trans Women ARE Women

Have they ceased to exist?

Sex = Gender

They are two words which mean the same thing, or at least they did before folks changed the definition of “gender” to support a lie.


Why do you ask dumb questions that are based on nothing that I have said?

Sorry boomer, times have changed :kissing_closed_eyes:

You’re so uneducated about this it hurts. Stop making a fool out of yourself. It doesn’t mean the same thing anymore.

Believe what?

Most Christians don’t quote the bible to people, nor do they use it as some form of argument. Sorry to burst your bubble.

That entirely depends on the religion.

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Not a boomer, just someone who knows the truth.


ouch right in the feels box

I’ll have to check Urban Dictionary for “Emily.” I stick with the yellow emojis because it reminds me of The Simpsons. Maybe I’ll go brown this summer to celebrate a tan

there are obvious social roles that are associated with gender.

to not admit that would be to as you put it

support a lie.


Thats the context, they are saying they are male. So what do they mean? See people have made it so complex and confusing that no one has an answer to that question.

I dont know. Does it matter? Im asking what that statement means. What is that person saying they are? What is a male? What is a female?

Lets make it easier. If someone says I am a woman
 what is a woman?

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You could point out to Tahbitha that if we never changed definitions then medicine would still operate on the “take out a bunch of blood to cure a cold” philosophy.

I would but apparently they blocked me.


Sure have, and so much for the worse! Gender fluidity is a total joke!


I support gay people, I just don’t understand transgender people
 maybe because I am unfamiliar with them, idk.

:musical_note::notes:" Around the world, around the world :notes::musical_note:

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Are they saying this to a doctor?
Are they saying it to a person on the street?

Context is necessary.

Someone called me a ma’am yesterday trying to get my attention to sign petitions. I ignored them because I’m not a she. That and I don’t like talking to strangers or people wanting me to fill out petitions.


Very true. Modern science is based on feelings and profit. Facts and data are to be ignored if my feelings might get hurt, or profit margins threatened.


But context makes it harder for them to pretend that human psychology is as simple as them :cry:


It was bothering me trying to remember where I recall you from but now I remember I’ve mostly only seen you in High Elf threads where you support Alliance HEs.

Now here you are insulting trans people, to which I will say Trans rights are human rights, and your insults are against this forums coc.

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual/romantic orientation or gender identity/expression (male, female, trans-gender, bi-gender, pangender, genderfluid, agender or any non-binary identity not listed) pertaining to themselves or other players

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be temporarily banned from the forums
  • Be given a final warning, after which any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums
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