My kiddo calls me dude and brah when we are in a relaxed setting or playing wow. I jumped us off a cliff in travel form, and missed my jump so we died and she goes “Dude you killed us!” epic fun. As long as she doesn’t do it when shes in trouble, why would I care? I have hated idiotic titles since my military days, and I sure as heck am not going to perpetuate it in my house.
She wouldn’t care. Unless I was in trouble…I didn’t use ma’aam and such. Again, my life is done with stupid titles after the days of being forced to call butter bars sir purely because they were officers lol.
I was raised to fear one for even seeing emotion, and the other that tried to be a friend while still a parent. Theres NOTHING wrong with your parent being your friend. You should be able to come to them like that, especially as you get older. Instilling a stupid archaic title that you force isn’t going to help that
You keep acting like it’s the same thing to use anti-trans dog-whistles and to criticize those dog-whistles. It isn’t. You will have to fix yourself. I’m not here to fix you.
You keep acting like it’s my job to educate you on how words create environments where actions lead to real physical harm, including murder. It isn’t my job to do that.
My intention isn’t to meet your standards of fairness or decency. My intention isn’t to maintain some level of decorum that would make you think I’m worthy of debating you. My intention isn’t to debate you.
My intention is to create room at the table by showing up at the table and sitting down and speaking my piece. You can like that or not like that. But the rules here are the rules that are enforced by Blizzard. You don’t create rules of engagement out of air and then clutch your pearls when your imaginary expectations aren’t met.
I think you need to slow your roll. There is nothing stupid or archaic about making your kid respect you as a parent. My kid can still come to me about anything and me insisting she calls us “Mom” and “Dad” doesn’t change that.
It’s fine if you do things differently but don’t call me or my parents’ style in raising our kid “stupid and archaic.”
In my opinion there IS something wrong with a parent being a friend. A parent can be a “friend” or friendly but then they put on their “parent hat” when ish gets real-- I’ve seen it happen and it can be a real mind duck.
You can be friendly and make jokes for sure, and every family dynamic is different. But that’s really all it is, different family dynamics.
My mom is my friend but she’ll still bust out the chancleta if me or my brother get fresh, and we are both grown adults.
Its a free country , not everyone is gonna like everyone nor they gonna accept everyone, its not a perfect world … if you dont know that maybe you need some growing up to do