Trans Women ARE Women

That’s movies, TV, and Entertainment. The ‘topic’ doesn’t fit there, it fits in GD.

It’s funny how easy it is to get so many replies with zero effort.

This is a video game forum, not your Twitter feed.

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I don’t think you got the joke.


Sounds like a lot of fun

It sure was. I have a lot of fond memories of working in that theatre department.

Jokes are supposed to be funny, have you tried making a joke instead of linking to unrelated forums?

I mean… Biology doesn’t lie. That one comment did make me feel a little better but facts are facts.

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Stop trying to get attention by being a drama queen for your “cause” and go to the LGQBT forum. We stay out of your section, stop trying to cause problems in ours.
I have a va Jay Jay that I was born with, therefore I’m a woman. Get it?


I’m not a vet but I know a dog when I see one. :dog:


the op did his job pretty good. calling someone else a clown on the forum’s is funny. everyone here including me have had their moment. all the posts in here from the same old people that just can’t stop themselves in so many threads is quite clownish indeed.

I got it! :rofl:

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SCOTUS has way too much power imo.

Especially with our tendency to play in gray area’s with the rules.

The Supreme Court actually has the power to make laws currently because nobody has push backed against it.

Politicians have no backbone.

A woman that is born as one. Like my wife or my daughter. Real simple.

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Seeing you in action anyway I wonder if you’re even capable of humor. What a terribly unfun individual…


You guys know that op is a troll right?

A known troll that does nothing but start this stuff for the sake of causing drama?


I think you’re a little late, I think we all realised it


well someone has to remind folks just in case :wink:


There is an Off Topic section. Ask for your own sub-category in regards to social issues if you like. Or talk about it in the movies section since that includes fiction.


I’m sorry… did you just call LGBTQ+ “fiction?” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I interpreted that as referencing the person they’re responding to specifically, not the topic as a whole.