Training dummy platform in Orgrimmar

Hi, I just have a stupid question. Is there a way to reach the training dummy platform except taking a very long route and then jump down to it from a higher platform? My Horde Death Knight has not been able to fly yet (not enough gold), and it sucks that whenever I want to practice I have to take a very long route.

Although I can not offer you an alternative route, I can offer you aid on getting flying;

  • Type /2 to open trade chat.
  • Type “I dont have gold to fly, can someone help?” or something simular.
  • Get gold from strangers.

Don’t want to beg?

  • Buy a pet worth around the amount of gold you need and learn it.
  • Cage said pet on Death Knight and either put it in the AH or sell it on Trade Chat.

Wait… does this work!? Are there restrictions on it (e.g. to prevent cross-faction or cross-realm transfer of gold via pets)?

Yes, pets are account bound. If they are cageable, you can do this.

Isnt Flight only around 200-250g? If you dont have that much, I recommend going over to Scarlet Monastery and running it a couple of times, you’ll have 250g in now time.

I just would always take elevator to the zepplin platform and walk across one of the wooden things that go across the drag.

There are also target dummies in the valley of honor where the Mag’har area is. At least for now, until that changes to the class trainer area in shadowlands.

or just like questing for an hour


Is this just about training dummies? Because there is another set in the pet stable area and a third in the Hall of the Brave (the building behind the Mag’har spawn point in the valley of honor).

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Why do you need a training dummy on a character that can’t even afford flying?

If you just are looking for training dummies in Org there are plenty more. In fact, they’re everywhere.

There’s a bunch in the Barracks(across from the secondary auction house) and more upstairs from there.

Plus they’re are training dummies in the Hall of the Brace area.

Also, there’s another set up the hill before you go into the pet stable area.

There are also some at the entrance to Org and a few out in front, directly North.

Just go to the warrior training building (Hall of the Brave) in the Valley of Honor and use the dummies there. Easy.