Training dummies in stormwind and ogremar in sod?

Pretty much the title says at all Am I the only one that thinks it would be really cool to have training dummies in the major cities ?

I know it’s such a small thing, but it’s very helpful. Especially since there’s so much we don’t know. I think this would be a very good tool for dps and Healers and Even tanks so blizzard Training dummies please.

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Training dummies in stormwind are called humans

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training dummies would be nice. it would also be good if you could gain weapon skill off of useing them. it isn’t bad at level 25, but 40+ can be a grind to train a new weapon. a training dummy with bonus to skill up would be great for skilling up on a weapon switch so that you don’t have to go out and grind grey’s with a healing buddy to top you off as you miss your target for 30 minutes.


Why confine them to SW and Org? All of the cities should get them.

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I believe this is referred to as dueling in Goldshire.

or soon to be sniping in ashenvale!