Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Thank you for listening to feedback! This is a great step towards fostering faith with the community.


well i will simply do what i have done in the past with products that do not satisfy me, i return them and get a full refund.

so blizzard loses my sub money and loses out on any chance of me buying the next expansion.

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Would you be able to clarify if traditional flying will be enabled in all DF zones or just some?

There have been mixed comments of what’s on the PTR and a dev post on Twitter (X).


Until next expansion

*insert “well, bye” gif here*

along with thousands of other customers that aren’t happy with dragon riding.

hope blizzard shareholders enjoy seeing their stocks plummet.


* [citation needed] *


just look at this forum thread…

then take a look at all the other forum threads that were created to discuss how they did not like dragon riding.

you can use your search bar up at the top if you aren’t sure where to start.


Removing the rep requirement is a big step in the right direction. Thank you.

I would still like to hear the devs justification regarding why they aren’t treating both forms of flight the same. Both need to be treated the same in the future. Enable both forms of flight in all of the same zones at the same time with the same requirements (ideally like how they handled dragonriding in DF where I had it unlocked by the time I hit 61).


There’s 530 posts in this thread, and the majority of posts are just the same 4-6 people arguing with each other…


maybe you didn’t read the lower part of my previous post, here i’ll help you out with that one…

here you go, you can try again

Wow… This is my 2nd Pikachu face of the day! (First being when I got Arfus today)

If ya’ll keep listening like this, I will have no reason to not buy the next expansion and keep playing.

Thank you for listening! As someone who’s Loamm rep was apparently 9 when I quit caring about that place, I didn’t want to go back. Thank you for letting us play the game we want to play, and not have to do the “chores” we don’t want to do like renown grind


TIL that a handful == thousands.


if you’re not aware of how to properly use the search threads function, just tell me and i can provide you with a tutorial.

I applaud the removal of the Renown requirements, but what about some clarification here:

Which zones will have traditional flying available, and why not all the zones? If Pathfinder must be a thing to unlock an arguably less desirable flight mechanic, why isn’t traditional flight available in all the DF zones?


Much idc about flying but I would suggest to talk Ion and figure out a compromise so everyone can agree on instead go each other’s throats. If the new expansion is going to have Pathfinder we be back in same boat arguing about flying.


Holy smokes, did you guys actually do this? Is it April 1st yet? Wow… I’m a bit taken aback.


we still cant use traditional flying in the new zone and we still have to dragon ride in the new raid…

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Yea those would definitely be nice to change as well… did they ever explain why they can’t be used in those places? Is that a technical decision?


Pathfinder only requiring you to explore each zone and do the main story of each zone :open_mouth:

This is extremely shocking and welcome!

I do hope in the future (now that it seems we will be able to toggle all flying mounts to Dynamic/Static flying) that we will have both normal flying and Dragon Riding from the start of the expansion and that Pathfinder will become a meta achievement which gives a cool mount and/or title.