Have you seen our armor mogs that will be available in trading post next month ? I think they look terrible, but the weapons are cool
The hunter trading post stuff isn’t being released on the Trading Post until December. Next month it’s Pally, priest, and rogue being in the Trading Post.
But yes, the mog itself for hunters IMO is trash as usual. Might look good on a tauren or troll hunter, but I don’t have either of those. The harpoon gun probably will go well with my orc’s Frostwolf mog, but I think the spear and bow look like reskins of BFA weapons. If the bow had a quiver with it like the MM legion artifact weapon, then I would like it more.
Why would you decide to create a set for only one class. Do they think that the majority of Hunters play either a Troll or Tauren?
This seems to be the reason for many armor sets looking terrible and not matching with proportions on other races cause they designed to fit one or two races.
it’s impossible to make an armor set that hits every single class fantasy + racial fantasy for Hunter
Tauren and Trolls are primal and close to nature. It’s just naturally fitting to Hunters.
If you stay with in the set of principles of Hunters then there are many options to create sets that capture Hunters. However, if you you pick features that are heavily used by one race then that will only look good for that race.
Look at the Shaman set it clearly designed for Zandalari in mind. So, then why would a Dwarf be wearing it? It just doesn’t fit with that race aesthetic.
These designs choices limit the options for RP who would of liked more sets.
What race was the original representation for Hunters in the first WoW cinematic trailer?
Right, that’s what I am saying. There are so many different directions they take Hunter it’s impossible to please everyone. A set made for a Kul’tiran or Human will look weird on a Blood elf, a set made for a Dwarf will look weird on an Orc, etc
I gotta be the only hunter main who likes them, I think they look sick!! The helmet is a lil weird but the belt and shoulders are rad!!!
Well the issue with the design is not just its appearance, but how little thought was put into it.
Here is an example just look at the helm for the set Hornstrider Warrior’s Camouflage
Now look at this helm from Zul’Aman Headdress of Sharpened Vision.
Blizzard is either completely unaware of the helm from Zul’Aman, or simple creating sets that will look good for what race they enjoy.
I think it looks good too. It’s not made for my Hunter, but it’s still cool.
Impossible? USED TO BE.
h ttps://www.artstation.com/handclaw/albums/1137119
a random fan artist making a mock-up of each race having a single set of class armor is all fine and dandy, but that still doesn’t hit every single class fantasy/racial fantasy.
Take their KT Hunter for example. While I personally think it’s very cool, it does nothing for KT Hunters that prefer a Drust aesthetic or Naval aesthetic, or Pirate aesthetic, etc
He did that for some races. It’s only concept art as opposed to actual graphic modeling, but it wouldn’t be far from it.
I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying friend
I value that creator’s hard work and effort with the fan made concept art, but even then the concepts only hit a very specific niche of the racial and class fantasy. Hence my original statement of it’s impossible to please everyone
Well, you suggested impossibility. I said it USED to be. Now if that guy can put in that much, he could easily do as you’ve said, to add even more.
This artist bullseyed ALL the womp rats back home in his T-16.
I don’t think you’re reading what I’m saying.
I said that artist didn’t do a bullseye, as their is plain fantasy missing from his sets.
I did. But don’t say it’s impossible just because it didn’t happen yet. That’s very defeatist. It only has YET to happen, and we ought to sponsor Arthur Lorenz all the more. If he’s not contracted for Blizzard already, it needs to happen.
Of course he had to start somewhere. The Human and Orc sets are probably the best I’ve seen for concepts. The Human Hunter(dustcoat Gucciness) and the Orc DK(a nice throwback to WC2) are the best I’ve seen of his work.
The only impossible element would probably be Blizzard and their leads in the graphics department.
This one again, only fulfills a very specific and niche class fantasy. Like I said, it’s actually factually impossible to hit every fantasy with every armor set
Not with a limit towards infinity…unless Retail will be discontinued soon.
no like you really aren’t reading what I am saying lol.
if they release a set of armor, that specific set of armor cannot fulfil every single niche fantasy people want. look at the trading set in december. it fulfills a more primal fantasy for tauren / trolls / zandalary hunters but not much else.
if they release a different more ranger-esque armor…guess what. that also locks out people who prefer a more primal set of gear.