Is the trading post getting anything new next month (November)?
Usually something is posted about what’s going to be on it.
Is the trading post getting anything new next month (November)?
Usually something is posted about what’s going to be on it.
Give it a day or two, people still busy with Halloween but there may be the next set of class armor and weapons next month if anything. Think we might see monk up next but that druid set being only blue and gold was annoying as that’s alliance colors.
Announcement at Blizzcon maybe.
They posted itll be posted tomorrow
If I see a turkey mount…
Usually I see a post on Icy-veins or WoWhead at least I wanna say a week before the month is up.
You’ll get it?
Not. At. All.
Where did they say that ?
Per Blizzard, the article with the Nov trading post info will be posted tomorrow: This Week in WoW: October 30, 2023 (
they always post it a day or 2 prior to the next month, so it will be tomorrow
Got it. 10char
Now what would be freaking sweat as all get out…a Turkey mount to go with my Chicken Mount
…then all we need is a Duck mount
I know November’s class sets should be Monk, Warlock, and Warrior.
Preview is tomorrow.
Seeing as it’s in full swing before the Con willl more than likely be tommorow
Dec needs to be be a multi passenger sleigh
Ohh that would be so cool and rad too but I doubt we’ll ever see that a mount to get sorry to say.
Would be wicked if we did though. I love riding around on that during Winter Veil
Still hoping for a multi passenger carriage, too.