Trading Post Wishlist Thread

The armor on trading post should all be cosmetic, and not locked by armor type.


You would think this would be a no-brainer and yet…


Gotta remember that the ‘you can transmog anything onto anything’ is a big ol’ “OH SHI!!!” button for Blizzard to press if/when the PvP Devs/Raid Devs/Kottick decide to be abhorrent Lizard People again.

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It probably is, but I will say again, the transmog debate is over. FIN. DEAD in the water. We are simply in the “blizz being stubborn” stage.

The original argument they put forth was that they wanted “class identity” to remain a thing when it comes to transmog. ie. Mage look like Mage, Warrior look like Warrior. So, classes can only mog gear that they should be wearing. ie. Mage cloth. Warrior plate. etc.

The moment Norman and my stable of Alts could all mog into a multicolor forest fairy mog with wings, it was done. I can now mog all of my chars into footie pjs and a very wide variety of other items, armor, etc.

The only argument left is Tier gear, which I am actually in favor of leaving in place.

Every single other item in this game should be cosmetic. The End.


I want a xmog revamp where we can tie xmog builds or snapshots to talent builds, and tie barbershop options to the xmog.

Then, I could go from Outlaw to Sub and have a different hair style and hair color. Or go from raid heals to M+ heals on my evoker and have different Dracthyr form colors.

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Ol’ Tazinjzi jus’ be wantin’ sum robes ta’ be wearin’ an’ and nice ol walkin’ stick. He don’ be needin’ much in de way of shinies and trinkets. Whoeva’ be runnin’ aroun’ tellin’ us whatta wear an’ whatta use needs ta be gettin’ dere 'eads outta dere butts.


July Trading Post items:

Looks like once again, I am stocking up on tender. This seems to be a pattern for me. I wish there was more to choose from, but I’m still excited that if they ever post something that I’ll go bananas for, I’ll have more than enough tokens to pick it up.

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Very excited for the Netherdrake!!! I hope we get more Netherdrake customization updates! Also excited for that caveman mace, lately I been having fun making my guys look like Frank Frazetta barbarians and the stone mace is a nice addition.

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I like the mounts I’m gonna get some

In the promo video they released for July/August, you can also see a few items that are presumably coming next month including: The Spirit of Competition, Bones of the Blood Hunter Ensemble, Alabaster Stormtalon, and Alabaster Thunderwing. We’re also getting 200 extra tender a month when we max out and unlock the final reward.


What does this mean for the lore? Are we going to see the Nether Drakes show up and become part of the Flights, or will they shack up with the Infinites, Twilights and Storm Drakes and become the inheritors of the Incarnates after we shank the overgrown Proto-Drakes for a pair of boots and a vanity pet?

I might have bought Tyrael’s Charger and the Lion Shield if I was still playing, otherwise, meh.

So I’m a Trading Post newb and still a few days left on my sub.

Do I get 500 more tendies when it cycles through or do I have to do the challenges? Because I’m heavily debating between the current bug mount and the Charger.

You get 500 tender at the beginning of each month whether you do any challenges or not. It’s then possible to earn additional tender over the course of the month by doing the challenges. You earn them in increments of 100 tender, with a total of 500 available if you max out your bar. Reaching the very end of the bar is what gives you the bonus reward, which is usually just an item (mount, transmog piece/set, etc), but in July and August it will be an item plus 200 additional tender.


My request is assorted Lordaeron stuff. Give me armour with L’s all over it. Give me a big sword with an L on its hilt. Give me a belt with an L buckle.

I wanna look in the mirror and realise that I am the physical embodiment of the biggest L in warcraft history


Unendingly angry that I got screwed over by the Diablo event rng and now have to pay 900 tender for the charger. It should be less tender than a normal mount to make it up to the people who endured their terribly designed event.

I want my wagon to be pulled by captive gnomes.

I have no more Tendies.

But I have a Charger and Purple Hood.

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Never fret, theyll be on the in game store soon enough.


Pretty excited about the Ethereal Trader pet, although I’m sure that’s going to upset some folks who paid a pretty gold coin for it.

Like the bloodhunter set!

Otherwise, I will be spending about 900 tender. Still happy I am conserving tenders in case one day something shows up that I really want that costs a lot.