Trading Post: Why develop low value systems?

Trading Post makes me feel like blizz is catering to 6 year olds. Rewards are meh which explains the easy currency. Also weird the currency is capped at 2000 for a whole month left of unappealing rewards.

This months items are just a start, to get people into the idea of the system really the only limit to what is added is on blizzards end.

For example they could add holiday items during certain months as a back up insurance, ā€œIā€™ll farm this mount until x day, and if I donā€™t get it by then Iā€™ll have enough trading currency to get it.ā€

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are you saying blizzard shouldnā€™t allocate resources to developing a wide variety of rewards systems/tracks? with some systems/tracks being very long/difficult grinds and others being faster/easier reward paths?

some people enjoy chasing extremely difficult things, some people want easier things to chase and collect. I think there is room for both kinds of reward tracks in wow!

the benefit from a rewards standpoint of having easy rewards is two fold: you give returning or new players a quick burst of excitement! (wow look at all the rewards I am being showered with!) and you also create a sense of ā€˜thereā€™s always something new around the corner to look forward toā€™. which is something all MMOā€™s should strive for IMO.

this new system doesnā€™t take away from the existing systems. if you want to chase that time lost proto drake, or time all the M+ dungeons on 25 difficulty, you can go after that. if you want to roleplay and do some fishing with some tuskaar while listening to chill music, you can do that too.

because the investment is rather low, and items can be rotated monthly for almost no effort. itā€™s awesomeā€¦ buggy, sure, but who cares, iā€™ll take some more mounts from tokens that i earn for just playing the game as i usually do.