Trading Post Troll Cosmetic

Good thing these items cycle back in over time.

at some point the generation shifted and I despise most of you.

Play the damn game and just stop with the whining.

Why? Because we’re younger and keep the game afloat? Just for your interest, my older siblings, who were teens back in TBC, also agree with my statements. It’s not a generational thing alone.

WoW needs better standards these days.

I don’t think the youth keep the game afloat. You keep it drifting.

Every time Blizzard has tried something new it has been met with such stark criticism that they end up just going back to the same old thing.

They implement a support class and people complain, they put in features that are meant for long time consumption and not monthly or weekly consumption and people complain. They slow down patch delivery and people complain, they speed it up and people complain, they give us less chores to do and people complain, they gives us more and people complain.

I see post upon post of how people want this or want that, but never want to put effort into it. Then people complain there too when they put effort into it because they obsess over min/max stats for that 1% increase in DPS rather than just enjoying the game.

Look, take what you want from this, but if you want my opinion on things (which I doubt you do) what ruined this game was spreadsheets, statistical analysis of logs, item level hyper fixation, add on reliance, group formation automation, destruction of online communities, years and years of one off expansion features that did nothing but eat your time and left you with nothing to show for it.

But whatever, this post will get flagged, someone will cry that I am crying and this all falls off into the depths of the forums.

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The prices of items are inconsistent and often don’t make sense. I just compare the average price of an item type, and if one is marked up in cost, I just don’t buy it.


I bet I’m probably the oldest person here… This isn’t a generational thing…

Also, no, I will not “shut up and just play” if I see a toxic system being developed.


It’s not? It’s all cosmetics bought with free currency just given to us.


Every game has spreedsheets.

I mean if you’re talking about the whole min/maxing thing, and how it ruinned WoW, this is the sort of thing that exists in every game. Even something simple as Spyro, because if the measurement isn’t damage, it’s simply time.

Nobody’s telling you to “shut up and just play”… :roll_eyes:

The currency isn’t free, we paid for it with our subs.

I’m glad I’ve been saving. From the get go I knew there were going to be months where I would want to spend more than we could get in a month. Now with February next month, I’m well prepared to buy nearly everything.

Baridorielor, I genuanly think you’re trolling now, or just can’t read.

So no this isn’t my argument. You’re right, I never said pay to win. I have no problem with the trading post and the currency being offered as part of my subscription. In fact, my argument is that we paid for the assets with our sub, therefore it shouldn’t be offered as a separate cost on the cash shop. But what really bothers me, is that it’s a gotcha game marketing strategy specifically designed to hide the fact that it is meant for extra cash grab. And you have spent this whole thread accusing me of arguing a point I wasn’t making.

It actually is different. Buying a mount on the cash shop is clearly the game saying this asset is only accessible after you pay more than your sub. The Trading Post tries to hide the transaction behind the idea that “its just another in game vendor” that happens to occasionally let you pay extra for the made up currency.

No, this is a forum designed for giving feedback… except this isn’t really the thread for it. You’re not on topic and your points don’t really help the developers or the players, if they aren’t related to the topic… maybe try starting a thread about the issues you have with spreadsheets, instead of dropping it into the middle of thread about the value and marketing of the Trading Post.

Not condescending at all. Super helpful thanks. Glad a super smart guy like you can correct me after completely misunderstanding my argument.

Because they did it, then told us it was “an experiment” after the communities’ negative responses. (The wrist transmog and the data mined tendies bundle assets. Also the Fomo items on cash shop then later added to trading post.)

Just because they come back, doesn’t mean that Blizzard isn’t trying to create a sense of “limited” time availability. We actually know that Blizzard has used a similar strategy with Overwatch 2 and putting bundles on “sale” even though you couldn’t buy the items individually. They were actually sued over it. A limited sale is a popular marketing strategy to try and encourage buyers to spend now before prices go up. It’s a slightly different version of FOMO. Another way you do it, is by making items part of a “limited” rotating inventory.

Limited availability on assets isn’t bad in itself, but when you step back and look at the big picture…

sounds fair, we paid for content to be added to the game and received content.

Prices are going up though

The Tauren totem back cosmetic - 250 tenders
The Troll fetish back cosmetic - 500 tenders

For some reason the troll back seems to be available to all races, so I think that would be why the price is higher as the tauren one was race locked.

I’m playing the long game. In a few years time, most of this stuff will have run they several times and some players will be complaining about lack of new things to buy. Meanwhile, I only buy things that I will use for a very long time, so my tenders keep building up and I can afford months with big offerings.

Neither is Gold, Honor Points, Conquest points, PvE Tokens, Flightstones…

Stephanson is just trolling you there by saying that.

You say that as if everybody on this thread who disagrees with you are telling you that…

Okay, so what do you have an argument then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :palm_up_hand:

Then why this thread exists?.. :man_facepalming:

I agree with that, and that’s honestly all you need to say. Everything else atfer that is mi superfluious if you don’t have a problem with the trading post and the currency being offered as part of your sub.

Again, why this thread need to exist at ALL?

Because none of your arguments are exclusive with trading post. Right now, it just sounds like you’re saying that playing the game to do little challenges to get rewards, you think that is a gotcha game marketing now.

  • When i’ve told you, that bundles are in no difference in how it can be obtained to WoW tokens.
  • When i’ve told you, TP is just a gloried vendor.
  • When i’ve told you, the things TP wants is gloried dailies… or World quests.
  • When i’ve told you, Tendies is just gloried tokens.
  • When we have already established this costs no more then just our sub, and yet you STILL try to make it look like it’s a bad thing… WHILE also turning around and saying you have no problem with it… Your words, not mine… :point_down:

The only thing of note you’ve said that is exclusively bad with TP is their expensive. Which … Granted that’s actually depends on which you’re going for really, and i just came back, doing the month’s worth of TP activities in a single-day and getting 1500 tendies to kill for 5 to 6 items on the shop, along with the warden reward for using the feature for 12 months straight, and freezed one of the items i want for next time and items cycle back, which makes this questionable…

But that’s something we both can agree on. The problem is the earning cap.

Not really…

Not to be that sort, but WoW tokens exist to turn Gold into Bnet balance. While i dislike this still because it still allows gold buying with irl money, it still can be done this way.

Agrueably it’s not as easy as TP to do it this way, unless your Scoorge McDuck of World of Warcraft here.

…Because Trading Post is an ingame vendor. They litteraly have a vendor NPC, in the game.

And literally 75% of this argument (sans the ingame npc vendor) can be applied back to Cash Shop.

You didn’t know this beforehand… Nobody did.

…How can you create a sense of “Fomo” if these items are just going to come back?..

I don’t think you know what “FOMO” or “Limited” time really means…

Oh good, still no evidence to support this “Battle Pass” fearmongering over a basic feature, as usual. :roll_eyes:

Have it not strike you as a odd as the worst monetization options from Overwatch and so on, has not been on WoW? Like Lootboxes, or selling dots, or even battle passes? Even if were gonna be cynical and say “Oh their using other games to test it out before bringing it to WoW”… … maybe that can be the answer on why we don’t see the worst ones here?..

I mean how’s Overwatch 2 doing in general to warrant the team to try the Battle Pass system in WoW to begin with?.. Despite it’s popularity over WoW?..

Okay, now you’re just saying “Sales are bad” here. And if that’s not your intention, why say it at all then? This has nothing to do with trading post since, and as far i’m concerned, they don’t go on sale. I mean, what am i suppose to take from this? Shake my fist in anger at Blizzard for… giving me a discount?..


… I think somewhere along the line, you pretty much made your thread into a “Blizzard bad!” thread and just complaining about… literally anything at this point. :confused: :palm_up_hand:

The back piece clips into my hair and makes me sad. I wish it was angled more upwards on male trolls instead of tilting forward because of our hunched backs.

I feel like all gear is only every tested on human models and they don’t even check what it looks like on other races. The least they can do is see what it looks like for the intended race. Witch Doctor gear should be designed to look good on troll models.

I think you oversee the severe issue of how things are implemented. You talk about how nobody wants to effort in but at the same time you don’t realize that the Troll transmogs are FOMO and too expensive, for something, which should be easier and constantly acquirable.

Look at your character you present on the forum. Nobody hinders you to get the third tier of the 7th legion armor. You still miss pieces for it but yet it’s easily accessible. When we talk about the Troll shields, then this will not be the case. It will be nearly inaccessible, too expensive and unnecessary cruel towards everyone, who wants to use their race’s original design.

I agree with you with most of your points. But don’t forget, these developers are incompetent to begin with. It took them three expansions to admit that the faction system collapsed due their own failure.