Trading Post Troll Cosmetic

When your criticism relies on a particular argument like “This is a sub based game”, it relies on you being principled and consistent with it.

I’ve never heard that with raids, dungeons, WQ’s, or even pet battles, or etc. If anything, it’s never bought up while criticizing them. Yet plenty of times with Trading Post.

Any MMO these days has a similar system in place to WoW’s Trading Post.

That is an actual fact. You didn’t pay anything extra for the trading post to happen. In the same way you don’t pay extra for raids to happen. Subs are not extra fees, their the mandatory fees. and trading post is part of the content you pay via by subs.

And like i’ve told somebody else here, you can criticize something without contradicting yourself. This “This is a sub based game” didn’t need to be a part of the conversation and it would’ve been better without it, because then you wouldn’t set the expectation that you would be consistent with other features of the game.

Nobody is saying or implying you can’t criticize it at all. Infact, i’ve criticized it at the very beginning, despite the fact i did loved it at the time. I’l link it at the end cause this comment is a touch long here.

Do you pay extra for raids?
Do you pay extra for dungeons?
Do you pay extra for quests?
Do you pay more then $15 a month for any of that? Hell, you can actually pay less or none at all to get access to these things.

…What makes trading post so special that it’s exempt from all of these things above that?

What is it about trading post that makes you think you’re paying more money then what you are paying with your sub fee here?..

Think here for a second. You pay $40 + $50 if you didn’t get the expansion for 4 to 6 items at a time, when that can be done without paying for a new expansion or expansion upgrade, and that’s looking a trading post at it’s worst here.

Which one would you go for?.. $15 for 4 -6 items, or $14+potentionally $90 for the same amount?

Again, which one would you go for? 4 to 8 items, or spending nearly $90 for just one item?

If we are gonna argue value and worth here, it would be important to know what you’re getting out of from which one here.

Ya know, i don’t imagine you getting upset that you get more items then you pay for, so imagine you’re thinking this isn’t true.

To that i will say… refer to what i’ve said above about the things we get from 6 months, vs epic versions, vs trading post.

And really, what trading post does, really isn’t the sort of thing that new to the game, what with the dailies and such and earning tokens to buy things existing for like awhile now. It’s only new because their doing it gamewide. Hence why i call Trading post, glorified vendors.

You can easily tell the different if something requires you to pay more then what you are currently paying with your sub.

So tell me, did i need to pay anything extra with trading post, or not?

Nope. That’s the agrument that community made to defend the $80 6 month subs. I’m not even kidding, look it up.

Again, where i’ve said you can’t criticize it at all? You’re confusing what i’m saying here and taking it to unreasonable extreme here. I’m simply telling you to not contradict yourself.

Which is why i refer to “paying extra”.

Point to me where we are paying extra for trading post. Because that’s basically your argument here. You’re essentially implying that were paying more then $15 to have this, when the price haven’t even changed for us, or in some cases, lower or none at all thanks to WoW tokens.

Nobody is saying WoW is free… Obviously you have to pay for your sub in order to access it to begin with.

My point is, trading post is part of the sub fee, in the similar fashion how WoW classic is even part of the Sub fee. It alone hasn’t raised or lower the cost for you. That can be done though other means…

Also “Fun, Interesting and engaging” are subjective.

Like with Garrisons. Or Artifacts. Or Mission tables in SL. Or Anima farming. Or Pathfinder. Or Timewalking. Or even some raids and dungeons and BG’s. This argument you’ve presented initially needs to apply to all because… you’re paying the same sub fee for all of this…

And like i’ve said or eluded to, and sadly will be still misinterpretered despite putting it so dead simple, i’m surprised i’m not on PBS kids teaching kids about 1 2 3 and getting paid 100K for it… Actually, that would be better, but i digress…

You can criticize the quality of something, without contradicting yourself…

Let’s use me for example…

Now note that i’ve touched upon teh quality of the feature here, and despite the fact i love it (or used too until i realized they are selling bundles here), there are a few problems that should be addressed. :point_down:

Max Cap in particular here, can also be a complaint of things being overpriced. Because you have so limited resources to work with and you hit that cap real fast, that’s it for the month, no more. And with Blizzard raising the prices with the exception that people will not spend prior, that’s just asking clairvoyance on something we would never know until 2 days before next month. Have they have next month’s roadmap on the start of the month, this would mitigate this issue a touch, but we still have the issue of expensive items. Which also where’s my “there should be more activities” complaint come into play as a sort of solver for that.


I also touched upon the fact that Trading Post isn’t exactly a new idea. Even touched on it’s not a new idea for WoW, other then being gamewide and with a fancier UI.

I hope i made this clear for you.