Trading Post Troll Cosmetic

Okay, so… you’re just freaking out over the possiblity of what will it become and not the reality of it… Which isn’t helpful…

Only on some, i don’t agree with it being a battle pass because i yet to find anything that proves that concern. And still can’t.

The same can be said for WoW tokens… Which i’ve said here… :point_down:

…So … you’re upset at their advertising? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It is relevant, because you are talking about paying with out sub here.

It’s either all relevant, or none of it is relevant. No double standards or inconsistency, because that’s simply being disingenious with your argument here. Especially since as we’ve established that Trading post is no different from dailies and vendors in this game. And more or less has been effected by MTX sadly like everything else.

So there isn’t a need to make an exception with this…

Explain any of this.

What false understanding here?..

How much money they are making right now off of Trading Post with just our sub?

Yes they do, because it what gives them the credibility. These are just essentially rumors with no bases in reality.

Listen to them try to predict things with absolutely nothing to go on, is akin to a homeless person stopping me on the street, just to tell me the aliens are coming to take over the world. I’l believe it when i actually see it.

Not really because Blizzard is oddly slow to implement these things into WoW. It took like 10 years to be able to buy gold. Meanwhile in Overwatch, which might as well be called “Overspend”, came out with lootboxes… and… No form of lootboxes were in WoW that is buyable like Overwatch… Let alone battle pass…

You can’t just make wild guesses and expect people to take you seriously. It would make you no better then the doomsayers who say that “WOW will be in maintenance mode in a year or two, WOW IS DEAD!!!” and… in a year or two, it’s still playable.

On that note, why don’t people just… idk, learn to walk away from a video game they dislike?..

I’m… Sorry, what?..

You mean these? :point_down:

Saints Row, Far Cry, Need for Speed, and The Sims are single-player games… and don’t often have microtransactions. Infact, even if they do, they don’t have them tied to the challenge things… I’ve pointed them out, because how they are structurally set up in concept. Not in monetization.

The only game that is predatory is Overwatch, and even THEN i’m not talking about it’s monetization aspect in that thread, but what it does conceptually with it’s challenges…

Did you actually read my thread?..


These items come back…

This is still a basic feature of the game.

I can still play the game, get rewarded with tokens to spend and buy something from a trading post without buying anything extra with irl money. I don’t see what’s “Gotcha” about a basic feature in the game you only pay with your sub.

How do you know their trying this for absolutely certain? It just sounds like your claiming to trying to read minds here and hyperfocused on making sure that’s right without checking to see if it is, instead of at best, making a reasonable prediction and just leaving it at that.

This is why i just wait and see.

…It doesn’t take passion to correct you…

Though, i guess smart people would consider correcting incorrect things their passion so… ehh.

Feeling is subjective, because i mostly and i in some parts of my older thread, objectively disagree with your idea of this post here, given the only argument it has to stand on. the “You’re paying for the game’s sub”, and the idea you’re trying to get across that we are somebody paying more when the cost never changed since TP introduced…

You’re acting like (Not saying you said it) the Trading post is Pay 2 Win or something, and thinking it being on the sub is a bad thing when you fail to realize so many other things are on that sub.

Hence my first comment rebuking that argument, which was the only thing that was holding your OP together given it sounds (not says) no different in tactic of how people scream “Pay 2 WIN!!!”, in using emotion rather then logic.

Even with the bundles, Trading post is no more or less different from cosmetic mounts, pets and mogs in a Cash Shop. If it’s not gotcha there, it’s not gotcha here either…