Trading Post Tenders and Real World Microtransactions

Since the announcement of the Trading Post, I knew this would eventually creep slowly towards buying tenders with real money. The Medivh pack was first. The items in the pack would show up later in the Trading Post thus by buying the pack you are effectively gaining Tender. Now with this Corsage Pack you are gaining Tender from not buying the Corsages later and then on top of that gaining 200 Tenders.

This isn’t even taking into account mounts and pets and other items that people have paid for in the past like current Alabaster mounts that did cost some sort of real money either through buying the Anniversary product or straight from the cash shop.

Please stop this and let the Trading Post just be a thing where everyone gets cool items that in-game for just playing the game. Stop the hungry mtx.


Agreed, selling Tender for RMT (even bundled in with other items like these wrist transmogs) its a big miss IMO.

There is already enough stuff coming to the trading post that I want and won’t be able to afford. I do not want to feel like I have to spend real money to get everything I want.

I’m sure its too late to cancel this, but let it be the last one please


We called it…I truly hope we can push against this.


$5 for 2x Corsages and 200x Tenders
Previous corsages have sold for 100x Tenders each

To me this bundle reads “$5 = 400 tenders” if you’re going to buy those corsages in the trading post anyway.

Our new baseline to judge everything on is:
$1 = 80 Tenders
100 Tenders = $1.25

Seeing as we have 6 months of data points with mounts costing between 650 and 900 tenders, we can extrapolate that shop mounts should only cost ~$8.25-$11.25 using this established conversion rate.

Thanks for directly tying your traders tenders directly to USD.

Also from Gamespot interview with Ion:

Speaking with GameSpot, Hazzikostas cleared up some of the confusion surrounding the datamine. He said definitively that there are no plans to sell Trader’s Tender as a standalone product. However, the team does think it makes sense to offer various amounts of Trader’s Tender as parts of various bundles, such as expansion deluxe editions.

This corsage bundle is definitely on the same level as an expansion deluxe edition /s


Huge No from me! Tendies should remain a resource a player earns through dedication to the game.

There is nothing wrong making a game sustainable from an economic perspective but adding “predatory systems” that exploit ppl’s “Collector Spirit” is questionable. Some ppl will buy those offers just for the tendies to collect even more stuff from the trading post as they spent all of their remaining ones.

What those offers want to advertise is : Look here, you saved 200 tendies on this and will have the 200 tendies it would cost you at the trading post.

What it actually means : You saved 200 tendies and as we see you like collecting and may be in need of tendies isn’t that a great opportunity to get something you really want extra ?


I legitimately like those corsages. I’ll be getting them for that reason — the tender is just an extra.

I’m content to stand back and watch how Blizzard moves on with this. If the extra tender is always gonna come in bundles, then that won’t bother me.

But if they’re going to be sold as stand-alone currency? Hmmm. I’m not quite sure what I think of that.

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I feel the misstep with the Tender Bundle is that it has appeared in the shop without further communication from the team.
This is a very small cost for a small amount of Tenders.
I had wished that the Tenders would have been positioned in bundles in a manner that would be clearly a side bonus. This bundle feels like too much of the weight is on the currency.
As an example of a bundle I would have liked, imagine all the upcoming class transmog sets going on sale as a single bundle on December 15th. Along with all the that value there could be a sum of tendies.
A similar such bundles could come out around the games anniversary, expansion launches, tie-in bundles, etc. The core part of this is that gaining in-game currency with a purchase really would feel better if it felt more of a value adding sub feature.
I know many are worried about a slippery slope but I think that it is important that we talk about specifics of this offer rather than some imagined worst case scenario.


Ion said before they were going do do bundles like this. This isn’t a surprise from that standpoint or the speculation of them wanting to make a monetization move on the TP.

The biggest issue here is that Blizzard themself created the issue of limited Tender and now they are selling a solution. Buy these packs or items that will show up later in the TP and you’ve have gained either raw Tender or effective Tender.

They created the problem and are selling us a solution/bandage.


When the Trading Post was first introduced, pets and mounts were moved from the cash shop to the Trading Post. I was happy because it was a step in the right direction. I hoped all the items would eventually move from the cash shop to the Trading Post to allow us to earn them by playing the game.
I know that the Trader’s Tender is technically offered as a part of a bundle but for those who don’t want the bundle they will be paying real money just for the Tender.
I wouldn’t mind when you sell tender as part of a new expansion or an anniversary bundle but to sell Tender as part of small monthly bundles is unacceptable to me. If you sell tender on the cash shop what is the point of the Trading Post? You could just keep the items on the cash shop.

Before someone gives the argument that I don’t have to purchase the bundle if I don’t want to I will tell them that the extra tender in the cash shop will be sold in such amount to let you buy the nice items for the month. You could freeze an item or save some tender but there will be new items next month that you want to buy. So the tender from the cash shop is not optional if you want to complete your purchases.

If you want to go the microtransaction route further, why don’t you make the game free to play? Like many other MMOs.


Yesterday, we saw new datamined Feats of Strength that connects 500/750/1000 Tenders to the Normal/Heroic/Epic version of the upcoming expansion. While datamined, it’s still added to the client for a reason and I’m here to voice my concerns regarding this.

The Trading Post was a new, evergreen feature that was highly appreciated from the community (from my understanding). While we got statements saying that the Tenders would not be available on the store as standalone items, it might be included in future bundles.

While you don’t need to purchase everything on the Trading Post as things are supposed to be on a rotation, the total cost of each month has slowly increased and while Blizzard has increased the amount you can earn in game, they also now offer alternative ways to get Tenders. This is a harmful practice which I do not condone.

Here we are, 8 months later with a sour taste in our mouths where this evergreen feature now has had both a store bundle and soon expansion release connected to it. While I understand the need for companies to earn money, I would rather have had store mounts/transmogs and that the way to acquire Tenders be solely inside the game.

Also, I sincerely hope that the value inside of the Normal/Heroic/Epic/CE version of the next expansion isn’t lowered because of the addition of these Tenders


Absolutely agree with this statement, mtx is quite honestly expected (if not kind of disheartening) in my opinion in this day and age but this was an exceptionally poor way to go about it and I’d have much preferred direct purchases of new mounts or toys or something if we’re going to keep laying in to the mtx. This is starting to smell like the beginning of a battle pass and I don’t think that kind of thing belongs in a subscription based game in the first place.

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One of the gutwrenching realization is that every time something new gets brought in like the Trading Post, my mind goes ‘‘what’s the catch?’’


I feel the same way about the whole issue - I was under the impression that the Trading post was an incentive to reward people for actually playing the game. Now it seems like being used as a form of revenue which leaves me wondering: Should players give positive reviews about a new feature knowing that it will be monetized down the road?


Regardless of any one persons feelings towards monetization.

A large portion of the games base model is built around making money for a business. We subscribe, buy merch, expansions knowing this going in. Where is the line supposed to be drawn?

Are we getting multitudes of new, unique transmog, mounts and pets. Yes. Which on it’s own many people have been asking for.
Is it the idea that you’re being swindled out of something fun and exciting?
Are we being provided a new iteration of content that is / was made solely to make money off us? Possibly. It’s an extremely passive content addition that most people I know finish on day 1-2 of the month just by doing dailies / weekly stuff.

At the base of it, if you feel like you need every mount, pet, trading post item (Which is the biggest realization that the content was designed for, since the answer is yes for many), that’s a perfectly you choice. If the frustration comes in from realizing what you’ll have to do in order to get those items. That I can see a seperate argument happening along the lines of -Damn it Blizzard- mentality that makes more sense.

To be fair, there was a bonus amount of currency given for retroactively purchasing Dragonflight, giving bonus currency for the next expansion shouldn’t really be a shocker.

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The issue wasn’t that we get Tenders for the next expansion. The issue I see is that they give 250+250 for the higher tiers compared to DF giving 500 Tenders regardless of version purchased.

There is a line somewhere. I’m honestly not sure where it should be drawn. I have heard the argument that, since WoW is a subscription based game, everything in the game should be attainable, in some way, through in-game means. However, since the items on the TP and even in the cash shop are purely cosmetic and NOT for player power, I personally don’t have a problem with either existing. I somewhat can see that it sucks if you can’t afford the higher tiers to get the trader’s tender, but then that same person is likely not going to afford anything from the cash shop either.

I guess the issue is, how important it FOMO. And that sounds like a personal question that nobody is going to agree on.

TP is a great addition. It adds new things and lets the art team do what they do best. It allows for people to be “rewarded” by simply playing the game. I say all of this as someone who has no issues with FOMO at all. But, I can understand the desire to get all the transmog and that, by definition, can’t happen with the current systems.

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This is not necessarily as a quote or answer to you specifically Allthatjazz. But I 100% agree that the Trading Post is a great addition to the game, probably one of the better ones we’ve had in recent years.

But it’s like if somebody baked you a cookie, then when giving it to you, breaks half of it off and says “You can pay me for parts of this half”. Like, you’re not mad that you get half a cookie. But you’re also not that happy over losing the other half.

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This isn´t about microtransactions, but having a Brewfest-themed item in the trading post for the month September feels weird. I hope this does not mean future holiday items will be released in the TP rather than having to get through thematic activities tied to the events from WoWs holiday.


You can eventually purchase every item off the Trader’s Post for free. The half a cookie analogy is fictitious in my mind. That sounds like an instant gratification metaphor that most people that expect the world in their palms in short order.

If you’re collecting every single item on the Traders post. 2 years, most likely.
If you’re collecting pets and mounts. About a year and a half.
If you’re just after your niche “i want this now, it’s amazing!”. That’s about a year or less. Depending on rng.

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