Trading Post Reward has an Issue

What was the thinking of having butterfly wings as the final reward for this months trading post, when it doesn’t hide shields or other things. I busted my butt to get it early and was so let down.
As a shield wearer it just looks like crap. I would imagine anyone who uses a 2 handed weapon be it sword, mace, polearm, staff and even hunter bows will have the same complaint.
Nothing like alienating a huge chunk of wow players and basically rewarding us nothing. I mean, if they could do it for those weird wreaths from the dreamsurge area as well as all the backpacks why not the wings? I’m very confused and disappointed.
Also, why can’t we just hide the dang shields (or off hands in general) like we can pretty much everything else? I hate the look of most of them and they sit on my character weird. Like floating in air behind me. Just weird looking.


So basically your shield sits on your back and the little wings poke through?



We need an invisible back mog that works like some of the backpacks and hides your weapon or shield on your back.


I checked out the wings on my orc…who Ive tried to model after Gul’dan…lol
Seriously look ridiculous on that character.
I might see if they look ok on a lady vulpera

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

oh, and…

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

I REALLY need to hide my two hand staff more than one would think.
Mostly that clipping thing many scream about in here from time to time making the mogs look seriously broken


Kinda crazy. I remember people talking about how they wanted weapons to be shown with the new back mogs. Guess you can’t please everyone, let alone the forums.

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I know. It’s awful. It’s even worse on a small character because everything clips into the ground.


Different players have different transmogs and so with some of us the back can be a problem while with others it’s not. Really not that complex of an issue and giving us the ability to hide the stuff on our back is not going to break the financial backs of the company LOL

I wonder if we are not allowed to hide them because of weapon animations when in combat. If that is Blizzard could maybe make it so that you see weapons only when in combat. I don’t know if it would have to be a toggle option or what.

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If you havent, the DF backpacks, when youre wearing one, if you also had a staff or polearm as yoru weapon, that would get hidden if you didnt have it in your hand and you have a backpack on.
Clearly they had the abililty to hide our huge 2H weapon so the backpack didnt look ridiculous.
I hope they could just do what youre saying…toggle it. That way if we’re wearing something that is clashing, the weapon doesnt have to show like it doesnt with the backpack.

I literaly had to find an offhand, farmed the crap out of dungeons for it, to get the staff off my new orc warlock because not a single staff wouldnt clip and clash with the mog set I have on him and it was ridiculous to look at from behind lol.
Not game breaking clearly, but if youre a mog hunter, thats your thing and you want it to look right.


I did not know this. As of now I don’t use a back on this character, so my pitchfork is always on my back (upside down I might add). This will change when ReMix comes out and I get the chicken backpack. My mage is using a backpack as a part of his transmog and I never noticed.

Sounds like it’s bugged. Did anyone post this in Bug Reports?

The game has been so consistent about hiding sheathed weps with other non cloak back pieces that I’d assume this is just a bug.

Being able to hide weapons would be nice, but rather instead an invisible transmog I think it should just be a toggle somewhere. Like the button to seperate both shoulders for transmog. That way you can still use a cape, or some other back transmog. Also because that way you can choose to hide just your shield/offhand if you want, and because a back mog wouldn’t hide 1 handed weapons.

I’ve been having trouble trying to get a good looking staff because on my back they’re all as big as I am, or sometimes bigger than I am which looks pretty dumb especially because I never even use the staff, and any time I hold them, the bottom of the staff clips into the floor. The only good sized staves I’ve been able to find are the sl ones from Zerith Mortis.

I can’t use 2h swords either, because in addition to being the size of my character, every 2h sword in the game except for 1 clips into my ears whenever I run, and some of the bigger ones like Armageddon clip into the ground while they’re on my back.

And there are a ton of weapons that clip through Vulpera tails too. And it’s not even just 2h weapons, some 1h swords are so big they stab my tail whenever I run. Lol


I’m thinking least effort on the programming side. If somebody flips one flag on The Emperor’s New Cape, we have what we want, we just have to pay to mog our cloak to it. I’m fine with that.

I’m stuck with a SL backpack and then I can have a longbow, and not have it show on my back. I noticed that there’s something interesting going on with the Legion legendary bow mogs that give you a quiver: I can have the backpack and the quiver which is actually kind of neat.

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Yup Blizzard’s design team really thought it through.