Trading post request- mage tower recolors

This thread isn’t asking to bring back the versions that are already in the game, it’s asking to add new tints like the Fel Werebear was.

If you saw someone with the red version of the Paladin CM set, would you think they did the MoP CMs for some reason? Presumably not, since the red one was never available. I’d imagine you’re also capable of looking at someone in any tier’s LFR set and not mistaking them for wearing the Elite PvP tint. Same effect, more or less.



Full stop, Nope.

Maybe if you click the link you can see the other forms

Need to let go some of that dense in your noggin

Idk why people act like they’re some massive prestige item. You could drool on the keyboard and get them by the end of legion.

These were never made available. All we got were worse versions of the original as class sets.

Are you asking for worse versions of the mage tower models with different tints? I dont think so.

You are asking for the same model in different colors. So far we havent gotten any of that CM sets and weapons remain unique. And mage tower skins and tints should remain that way. The bear skin was a mistake

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

Fel Werebear would like to have a word with you on that.

Recolors/slight remodels are perfectly fine. There’s even new Werebears coming in 10.2.

As if it was an achievement? I have em all on my lock, it was piss easy at end of legion patches.

Now it just means i dont have it for classes i happened to not be playing at the time.

Its a dumb way to make people feel special. Bring em back, bring everythinf back screw fomo

I actually like the Lisa Frank Cat we get from the Balance of Power questline. not as awesome as the Mage tower form but pretty nice for a non troll druid

Release all the Mage Tower rewards and MoP and WoD CM rewards and Elite PvP sets and gladiator mounts AND PUT THEM ALL ON A VENDOR FOR 1 COPPER COIN!

I want to see these forums BURN