Bring back the challenge mode sets through fated dungeons

Lol, charming sneaking out of the bgs pvp forum mess for a brief moment.

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Nah what’s really sad is people that buy gladiator.

There have been multiple times in WoW’s history when Gladiator was not prestigious. One of my peak times of playing, anybody who played an Arms Warrior and Resto Druid in 2s got free Gladiator, so to speak. People in my guild who were not good at all at PVP got Gladiator. One was a clicker/keyboard turner. We joked about this for a long time.

As for adding the content, if they do, cool. If not, I won’t lose any sleep. It does make me smile a bit watching people who have something getting so angry whenever someone else wants it too.

Glads always been prestigious.

This is a weak excuse made by people that have never broken 2k

A comp may be very strong but you still have to win.

Press x to doubt.

Let me guess, you’ve tried but never obtained Gladiator? Your response resonates of that. I could be wrong.

Never stayed on the teams long enough. I use to play with Nahj when he was on sargeras in Cata

Have played shading Thugonomix and Kaska. Split a series with Kaska playing RLS and I was playing thug.

Never pushed for it because I never felt that I was that good.

Had I stayed on a team I’d probably old school duelist.

You’re right, but I also think it’d be unbelievably stupid for Blizzard to drop new rewards for not everyone, but only a portion of the playerbase. New content, new rewards, so everyone has something they can work towards. Far better.

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Fix Fyralath lego drop 1st then we can discuss - lfr only players shouldn’t be running around with legendaries; only Heroic/Mythic Raiders.

To the main point - keep these items where they were in time. If you weren’t around when the content was available, much less able to acquire it when it was relevant, then you missed out. I’d love to have Corrupted Ashbringer as a mog but I’m not losing any sleep over it - same as Hand of Adal title.

Provide awards for the time when they were relevant and for the effort - not how it is now. Too many rewards given to those who don’t put in the time or accomplish anything.

One idea though for long removed item sets like CM Gold xmog: Lock it behind a M+ Rating. Don’t lock it behind 2500 but maybe set the bar to say 3000 or 3200+, or you have to be within the top 2.5% of M+ rating in your region. Make the rewards, if bringing back old items, have value - not freebies.

The original sets? No.

The datamined re-colors? Sure, M+ needs ACTUAL rewards after 2500.

Tell me the red version wouldn’t be AMAZING on a BE:

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New stuff would be better. Recolors would be fine, but grumble worthy. But under no circumstances should they ever return any collectible to the game that’s been removed.

Did you not see the red Pally CM set?!

That set with the Blood Knight tabard…


That does look good.

Did you not tell them that there’s two they can get right now? That’s kinda mean.

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a mount? you can get that
transmog sets? you can get that
cool weapons? you can get that

you’re stomping your feet and demanding to have everything you want like a spoilt 2 year old with no self control. Put your energy into something you can achieve like current rewards and older rewards that are still in the game.

Everything ever put in the game doesn’t need to be available still, there are plenty of other options for you to use.

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I made mention that they use similar animation and rigs, but they were more interested in the Ashen coloration I was using at the time. Different effects and different look altogether.

I have the pixels i need. Im not salty. You got my original comment removed from flagging it. Whos the salty one then huh? On the other hand, you defending corporate fomo tactics is really sad. You should indeed touch grass. I bet youd be the one crying on these forums if blizz gave players challenges to obtain removed items from the past, because your ego is fragile. When you cant handle somones comment and get it removed to keep your safe space, it shows exactly that.

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Exactly. He couldnt push past 2.2 so now hes mad at others

A lot = a very small amount.


Who got what flagged?

Clearly you don’t…

There will always be somebody coplaining about something on this forums. Just like you and OP are right now, under this very topic.

Again I didn’t do that, I dont even know about what comment you are talking about.
But expect the comments where you insult somebody to be removed.

I’m off to change the mog on my Shaman from Hunter SL S2 Elite set back to CMG. /yawn