The last months were full of Hearts/Love/Fairy/Stars/Butterflies… etc… Can we get something that has an actual World of Warcraft vibe please?
Anyone else been saving the last months?
The last months were full of Hearts/Love/Fairy/Stars/Butterflies… etc… Can we get something that has an actual World of Warcraft vibe please?
Anyone else been saving the last months?
I’m still waiting on more color variations of the arrow quiver for my Hunter, so annoyed, I have so many mogs that a quiver would top off nicely, but only having green kind of ruins it.
I think when the main items are butterflies, its an odd choice to have the returning items be all pink/purple love hearts, especially right after February. They could at least use the returning to mix it up a bit.
The objective of the Trading Post is to add things that wouldn’t make sense to add on gameplay, like Raids, Dungeons, etc.
And Blizzard clearly wants to do hearts and fairies right now.
(I’m not judging, I like it)
So it’s either hearts and fairies on the Trading Post or we get a hearts and fairies Raid Tier.
Pick your poison lol
I mostly get mounts, this month i got 3 not so bad
Yeah we hadn’t noticed from the other six dozen threads on this topic.
Thanks for letting us know.
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I’m not disliking the hearts/fairies… but it’s too much… maybe we can get some dragons or firey axes… or a recolor of the old good stuff like Ashbringer/ or T3… I dunno so many ideas.
We just got an entire expansion of Dragons and firey axes. The last boss was literally a Dragon wielding a firey axe.
If they move away from hearts and fairies, they should do something that they haven’t done in a while.
I vote for Succubus stuff
I mean, the game is about that tho… lol, like. we play Orcs. and fly with dragons etc… so of course… the main focus should be that.
And you can get the main focus of the game playing the main focus of the game. Raids, Arenas, M+, etc.
The Trading Post is not the main focus of the game, so it’s only fitting that it’s rewards deviate from the main focus of the game.
They were all great too. I’ve been waiting for butterfly mounts forever and got a bonus unicorn. They work great for my “casual” tmogs.
There are casuals nowadays you know that right? I used to do that in 2010, maybe lots of people weren’t born yet that are playing WoW now lol… but ya.
It’s the coming of spring. What do you want, mountains of skulls and rivers of blood?
And last month was, y’know, the Valentine month. They’re going to fit some sort of theme be it the coming of game events or seasons.
I’m well aware, since I’m one of them.
But even casuals are well served as far as cool stuff goes, because patches and expansions don’t just add brand new stuff, they also make older stuff easier until eventually it’s easily soloable.
You can get some very cool armor EZ-Mode soloing Shadowlands, BfA and Legion stuff. And soon Dragonflight will also be easily soloable. You will find plenty of Dragon and firey axe stuff in Dragonflight, including the last Dragon boss’ Legendary firey axe.
Sadly, much like LoL and other mobas. Most silly stuff that “sells on this game” for casuals it’s fairy/cute stuff.
As a pretty average WoW raider (now retired), i have 2 trading post full transmog sets i like, maybe 5-6 itens that are moggable that i actually use and all the rest is pmuch mounts.
I’d say for me, 70% of the trading post is just junk i’ll never buy. But as stated in the game, one entity junk is another entity treasure.
You say that like the two are mutually exclusive… technically Fairies can BE fire and spikes, the Headless Horseman for instance is just a VERY horrifying Celtic Fae.
I pick literal poison…
Yes, that is exactly what i want. Since you’re bringing it up.
I’m not exactly casual, at least bordering between casual and sweaty, but my priest’s tmogs are all casual wear, as if she’s going to the office or a club. This month was perfect for my priest.
I say we reach a compromise.
Excessively violent fairy wings with maybe some hyper realistic hearts.
I don’t know how the wings would be violent, but I’m sure there’s some way.
Spent almost all of it and holding on to a little for next month. Put one of the butterfly mounts in freeze and will buy it when I have extra.
Btw…this is another spam topic.