Blizz said that the monthly completion reward would be the ‘’Big ticket item that you would have wanted to use your tenders on anyway’’, and yet for the month of October, the Jellyfish mount is the reward? Why not the new scarecrow transmog, which is obviously going to be the one most people would want.
The mount is an ugly recolor and there are better mounts on the Post next month, such as the hand. Maybe a small amount of people would’ve blown their tenders on a half-brain cell recolor, but seriously? Please rethink what the completion reward will be for next month and every month going forward.
Oh hey, 1,000th mount!
Oh hey, 100,000’s transmog!
Oh hey, 5,000th pet!
Oh hey, 300th toy!
Oh hey, another low fantasy mog!
Oh hey, another high fantasy mog!
Oh hey, another giant 20ft long blade!
Oh hey, another basic soldier outfiit!
Doesn’t matter what they add, when or how or why, there will always be people who are upset or unhappy. But there are also going to be that are happy.
Just sayin’.
TP is a purely side, fun, cosmetic and 100% passive piece of “content”. Just enjoy it. There is no point in fuming over this. It’s a little fun thing added. Don’t ruin it with negativity.
So in other words, from my viewpoint, they’re correct.
Can we stop acting entitled over the Trading Post, please? People are going to like and dislike things. That’s the nature of cosmetics. But this system is fun and I love it. Y’all need to stop piddling all over it.
They changed their minds on this after seeing people weren’t spending their tenders.
Behind the curtain, they’re also trying to transition to a tenders for cash model. If people are BEGGING to be able to buy tenders for cash, then you can deploy the model without backlash. This scarcity is to manipulate you.
People keep claiming this and we’re nearly two years in, where they removed store bought items that came with Tender, because they said it was a failure… and the only other time we saw Tender was in the expansion bundle.
I don’t expect big ticket item, but I do expect something themed. Like last year, it was the broom…I think? Since it’s October, I was expecting something like halloween theme.
The mounts are fine. They’re big ticket items. Awful things are like the butterfly wings or weapons only usable by some classes. That said I wouldn’t mind a system change where they offer people TWO monthly rewards as options (both big ticket items), they can choose one and the other is available for purchase for tender.
yeah, back when the post was new, the good best item was the monthly reward. then somewhere along the way they started putting the garbage as the monthly reward. i think it was after the broom