Trading Post - Known Issues and Updates

From one goblin to another, can I have your gold then?

How about fixing that many people can’t even get the chest to do more than open and get no rewards for the intro or owning dragonflight.


This is ALSO why you don’t release something that is NOT ready… Don’t blame the player for getting excited about a feature they heavily promote and in the same breath chastise them for being angry when it arrives broken.

This is nowhere near the players fault and we have every right to be annoyed and voice frustration…


Agree. They have had months to work on this thing, and they cannot get it right. They made it - again - unecessarily complicated and then had something like the chest glitching. I mean, why not just post the mount to us, or put it directly into our mount collection, at the same time giving us a message to say, it will arrive in your collection within a very short time or something. But no, they use the chest which was playing up from the moment it started.

This is not beta, this is the live game and we should be able to expect professional development skill in evidence.


Im more interested in that refund I was never able to make because your system was evidently broken at the time.

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I’ve had issues with raid bosses not counting as well, but also quests that I’m completing are not counting towards the ‘30’.

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People still can’t loot tender from the chest but instead of even acknowledging that they go out of their way to fix 8.2 bugs…


Also if they can fix 8.2 bugs they can fix the Cataclysm zones that have had bugs like missing quest givers (can’t even do the Indiana Jones questline anymore because of that) and mobs spawning inside the ground for years now.

It does. Less work gets done in union shops. The difference is night and day. I cant tell you have no experience with unions

Any updates? The trading post still doesn’t give any currency for some players. Pretty annoying.


Fair, but we are adults and should temper our expectations. Lets try it another way, again remember we are adults at least i assume 70%+ of us are.

Its your 1 year anniversary oh boy this year is the raise or promotion my boss promised me! he keeps talking about how good of a worker I am how valued I am to the team and BEYOND replaceable, WITHOUT ME THERE IS NO TEAM! this is the year anddd i get a 0.35 cents raise. awesome amazing I shouldn’t have gotten so excited.

To real for you? lets go back to little kiddy witty years.

Oh boy santa is real and i’ve been a good boy all year i made my list and checked in twice and I know im going to get that ps5 because BOY OH BOY i’ve been so good and my mom and dad beam with pride and I know santa is going to bring me that ps5 and Christmas time anddd its a PS1 box playwii.

Life is nothing more then tempering expectations, any grown adult can tell you that, you want the best, hope for the best, expect the worst, and roll with the rest.

Completing lots of these tasks and still not getting credit.
5k earned on AH - no credit; stopped counting after first 800g sale.
Kill world boss - no credit.
World quests, about half are giving credit, same with raid bosses.

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same issue for me

tony robbins everybody!

and, this morning I got the 30 quests done, as well as the reputation one done, gave me no more currency…
AH one still not giving credit for selling

please address these


Blizzard did you know that i bought mount and Transmog Yesterday and now i loose it all and i loose all the token…

any update on still not being able to loot the chest 3 days after the system was implemented?


Radio silence on the matter definitely doesn’t help their reputation… Especially considering that this expansion has quite a lot of bugs in general.


Went from 600 down to 200 woot woot…

I’m in the same boat. I opened a ticket and they said it was one of the issues they were tracking, but it’s somewhat concerning it isn’t listed by them here.

Just logged on to see my progress was reset.

sad tiny violin music