Trading Post Items Dissapeared

Hello, a few trading post items (Lost Crown of the Arcane, Tiercel’s Wing, and Crimson Bicorne for example) broke with the most recent weekly reset and are not populating in collections or in the trading post itself.


The Tiercel’s Wing has also vanished from my collection.

I can see it on the trading post as I went to check if I had actually bought it. Though seeing I had, I was unable to find it in my Mog list. As I have only a few pages of warglaves it’s absence was easy to notice.

I just completed the monthly trading post, the one retail activity I try to set time aside for, and noticed I didn’t get the turtle mount. Came across this post, then look and realized nothing from the trading post is showing up at all.

The one thing I still try to do in retail is and it’s completely broken. I’m so done with retail, literally no point playing it.

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Wonder if my Standard of the Guardian disappearing out of my Collection has anything to do with this. It would be incredibly strange if so, as the hood and cloak didn’t get touched, and the items aren’t yet on the trading post - just being sold for $8 until the 31st.

What an absolutely awful bug. I hope we don’t have to wait an entire month for this to get addressed.

Confirmed. I’m unable to transmog to the Lost Crown of the Arcane. The trading post says I own it, but it’s not in my collection. A saved transmog says “You have not yet collected this appearance”.

My Crown of the Arcane is gone. I have a fuggly new helm and don’t want to wear it around with out my transmog. :frowning:

Same here, Tiercel’s Wing purchased, waited the 2 hours until it said I own it and its no where to be found in transmogs. Not in inventory, its like I never purchased it, but my currency is gone and if I click on the item in vendor window it says I have already collected that appearance.

Also having this bug, can’t buy any of those items on the tp atm. just shows as red question mark.

Same is happening to me

I purchased Crimson Bicorne and Black Iron Blunderbuss. The Crimson Bicorne is not showing up in my appearances but the Black Iron Blunderbuss is showing up just fine.

Bought Crimson Bicorne hat and it’s not in my transmog items

+1 to this issue, I’ve noticed the Crown from this month specifically has vanished from my mog journal

Also can confirm that Tiercel’s Wing appearance vanished for me as well.

Same issue here. I completed the monthly, looted the chest and no mount. Plus all appearances I have bought this month have disappeared. I reported it through game support and just got this reply:

"I’ve taken a look and we haven’t been receiving reports regarding this, which means it is most likely working as intended or has been caused by a recent update.

Taking this in consideration, we don’t have any workarounds at the moment nor can we provide any compensation regarding this since it is not a verified issue yet.

Still, since there is a chance for this to be a recent bug, please report it in-game since it’s the best way for it reach our developer team. Here’s a guide on how to do it depending on which version of the game you’re playing:

Also, in order for this to get more public visibility, please report it through the forums here: HAD TO REMOVE LINK JUST TO REPLY The link brought me here to the support forums.

Submissions posted there have the benefit of allowing a community discussion around high-impact bugs, which helps prioritizing them."

I have the same issue, completed the travelers log and didn’t get the mount. It doesn’t even show on my mount journal at all, even as not collected, though the felcrystal scorpion does show there.