Trading post: Iron Horde theme

I think next month or the month after should have a bunch of Iron Horde esc mogs.
Reason: Iron Horde have some of the coolest-looking themes in the GAME! I think it would be awesome if we got new Iron Horde esc weapons, armor, etc. What do yall think?


Yes, more orc stuff please.


Gosh, WoD was such an epic experience. The zone design, the story telling, the music, especially the music, the themes. 10/10. Would of been wow’s best expansion ever if they put the amount of content they did from dragon flight or even legion into it. WoD still has some of my favorite warcraft music of all time. Especially the song “Times change” from the cinematic, such a masterpiece.

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We had enough orc stuff in WoD. Give us the canceled Shattrath raid tier armors instead.


Orcs is best.

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I think it’s a great idea and personally would love to see more organizational and racial transmog sets to help folks fulfill their dreams for their characters.


The Horde are not that Savage anymore Peon. I recommend more pickaxe , shovels or work clothes to meet their theme

I’d be more than happy for more iron horde stuff. They had an awesome vibe. Although they could also just remove the armor type restrictions from the five clan sets we got back in WoD. That would make me very happy indeed.

Hard pass for me, but it would be a great opportunity for me to save my tendies for future use.

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More orcs yes. More orcs now.


I am in. I am a fan of armor that meshes up with classes and/or races. Except the void, nightborne and night elves. Don’t care for their style at all.

There were 2 tabards that they made in WoD that were NPC only. A red Warsong Clan tabard (same design as the BG one) and an Iron Horde tabard.

No idea why they didn’t slot those in the game at the time. They’d make a good addition to the Trading Post.

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Shattered hand attire? :robot::thought_balloon:


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