Trading Post good. Selling for more tenders than you can get is no bueno

Oh I did the 30 quests on a lowbie, not my main, if you’re wanting to do them all on your 70, yeah that would be an issue.

Oops I meant the 25 raid bosses, not dungeon bosses, sorry about that!

25 raid bosses is the one that can be done with any raid.

Yep, I did that one. :dracthyr_heart:

I ran MC and BWL on my druid and then just ran MC again on my hunter to get the last 7, because they both still need to finish their respective sets.

But I can still crank the mountain dew right?

I don’t get this either. Completionists are nuts.

And I don’t understand how anybody enjoys battle pets even a little bit. The world takes all kinds.

The mounts and pets yes. One mount and one pet use up almost all tenders earned that month

This made me giggle

On topic, maybe some people should of saved their tendies for something special…like idk…sets?

I have 2750 tendies :slight_smile:

Such as? What systems/time gates are preventing you from doing things you admittedly want to do